timeoutId = util.timer.setTimeout(function() {}, 4500);
import "CodeBehind.js" as CodeBehind
id: appWindow
QtObject {
id: app
property var util: CodeBehind.util
Component.onCompleted: {
var util = util || {};
var util = util || {};
Mimics the window.setTimeout() and window.setInterval() functionality
found in browsers.
@namespace timer
@memberof util
util.timer = new function() {
var _timer;
var _timerList = [];
var _currentTime = 0;
var _api = {};
var _private = {};
var _enums = {};
/*************** Private ENUMS ***************/
_enums.type = {
timeout: 0,
interval: 1
/*************** Public API Methods ***************/
Mimics the window.setTimeout() functionality found in browsers.
@param {function} callback
@param {int} interval Milliseconds
@memberof util.timer
_api.setTimeout = function(callback, interval) {
var timer, id;
id = parseInt(Math.random() * Date.now());
timer = new Timer(id, callback, interval, _enums.type.timeout);
_timerList.push({ id: id, timer: timer });
return id;
Mimics the window.setInterval() functionality found in browsers.
@param {function} callback
@param {int} interval Milliseconds
@memberof util.timer
_api.setInterval = function(callback, interval) {
var timer, id;
id = parseInt(Math.random() * Date.now());
timer = new Timer(id, callback, interval, _enums.type.interval);
_timerList.push({ id: id, timer: timer });
return id;
Clears an interval or timout by the interval id that is returned
when setTimeout() or setInterval() is called.
@param {int} intervalId
@memberof util.timer
_api.clearInterval = function(intervalId) {
var idx, len, idxOfTimer;
if (_timerList) {
// Find the index of the timer
len = _timerList.length;
for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
if (_timerList[idx].id === intervalId) {
idxOfTimer = idx;
// Remove the timer from the array
_timerList.splice(idxOfTimer, 1);
// If: There are no more timers in the timer list
// Then: Stop the QML timer element
if (!_timerList || _timerList.length === 0) {
/*************** Private Helper Methods ***************/
_private.start = function() {
_private.stop = function() {
_currentTime = 0;
_private.runInterval = function() {
var idx, len, tempList;
// Increment the current timer
if (_timerList) {
// Create a temp list of timers
tempList = [];
len = _timerList.length;
for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
// Trigger each method
len = tempList.length;
for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
/*************** Objects ***************/
A timer object contains a trigger to check and see if it needs
to run the callback.
@param {int} id
@param {function} callback
@param {int} interval Milliseconds
@param {enum} type type.interval | type.timeout
@memberof util.timer
var Timer = function(id, callback, interval, type) {
var _obj = {};
_obj.api = {};
_obj.hasRun = false;
_obj.endTime = _currentTime + interval;
_obj.api.trigger = function() {
if (_currentTime >= _obj.endTime && !_api.hasRun) {
_obj.hasRun = true;
if (type === _enums.type.interval) {
_obj.endTime += interval;
_api.hasRun = false;
else {
return _obj.api;
/*************** Initialize ***************/
_api.init = function(appWindow) {
_timer = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQuick 2.3; Timer { interval: 1; repeat: true; running: false;}", appWindow, "timer");
return _api;
是啊,我知道定時器。問題是,代碼在模型中,這是一個JavaScript文件。 – Michael 2014-10-28 19:41:31
關於你的代碼:不應該計時器調用'req.abort()'? – Michael 2014-10-28 19:43:11
好吧,如果我們不能使用'XMLHttpRequest.timeout()'並且我們不能使用'setTimeout()',我們仍然可以在'JS'中創建'Timer'並使用它。我已經更新了我的答案,請檢查它。我還在代碼中使用了req.abort()。 – folibis 2014-10-28 23:26:00