2013-09-21 96 views

因此,我在爲類進行分配時遇到了問題。目標是獲取長度爲的矢量n只填充二進制整數(0或1)。防爆。 [1,1,0,1]其中v [0] = 1,v [1] = 1,v [2] = 0,v [3] = 1.函數ItBin2Dec的輸出輸出一個數字向量相同的整數。所以[1,1,0,1] => [1,3](13)。我不是一個偉大的程序員,所以我試圖遵循給予我們的算法。任何建議將不勝感激。將二進制整數向量轉換爲向量位數

/* Algorithm we are given 

function ItBin2Dec(v) 
Input: An n-bit integer v >= 0 (binary digits) 
Output: The vector w of decimal digits of v 

Initialize w as empty vector 
if v=0: return w 
if v=1: w=push(w,1); return w 
for i=size(v) - 2 downto 0: 
    if v[i] is odd: w[0] = w[0] + 1 
return w 


#include <vector> 
#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

vector<int> ItBin2Dec(vector<int> v) { 
    vector<int> w; // initialize vector w 
    if (v.size() == 0) { // if empty vector, return w 
     return w; 
    if (v.size() == 1) { // if 1 binary number, return w with that number 
     if (v[0] == 0) { 
      return w; 
     else { 
      return w; 
    else { // if v larger than 1 number 
     for (int i = v.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) { 
      w = By2InDec(w); // this supposedly will multiply the vector by 2 
      if (v[i] == 1) { // if v is odd 
       w[0] = w[0] + 1; 
    return w; 

vector<int> By2InDec(vector<int> y) { 
    vector<int> z; 
    // not sure how this one works exactly 
    return z; 

int main() { 
    vector<int> binVect; // init binary vect 
    vector<int> decVect; // init decimal vect 

    decVect = ItBin2Dec(binVect); // calls ItBin2Dec and converts bin vect to dec vect 
    for (int i = decVect.size(); i >= 0; i--) { // prints out decimal value 
     cout << decVect[i] << " "; 
    cout << endl; 

    return 0; 





int binary_to_decimal(const std::vector<int>& bits) 
    int result = 0; 
    int base = 1; 

    //Supposing the MSB is at the begin of the bits vector: 
    for(unsigned int i = bits.size()-1 ; i >= 0 ; --i) 
     result += bits[i]*base; 
     base *= 2; 

    return result; 

std::vector<int> get_decimal_digits(int number) 
    //Allocate the vector with the number of digits of the number: 
    std::vector<int> digits(std::log10(number) - 1); 

    while(number/10 > 0) 
     digits.insert(digits.begin() , number % 10); 
     number /= 10; 

    return digits; 

std::vector<int> binary_digits_to_decimal_digits(const std::vector<int>& bits) 
    return get_decimal_digits(binary_to_decimal(bits)); 

我喜歡這種方法。但是,它不符合任務的要求。我們假設能夠傳遞一個> 300 1(最高1600)的向量,並且由於這實際上只允許我輸入32 1,它最終會溢出並導致錯誤。這是我們的教授希望我們避免的。我選擇這個作爲正確的答案,因爲它確實給了我一個開始的好地方。謝謝! – Scott
