int x=250; // Horizontal position of ball
int direction_x=2; // Change in horizontal position each time draw() executed
int y=150; // Vertical position of ball
int direction_y=2; // Change in horizontal position each time draw() executed
int lives=3;
int score=0;
void setup()
size(400,400); // Create a window 400x400 pixels
void draw()
background(255,255,255); // Clear screen to white
fill(0,255,0); // Set fill colour to blue
rect(mouseY-60,380,120,20); // Position rectangle using mouse
ellipse(x,y,20,20); // Draw blue disk centered on x,y diameter 20
x=x+direction_x; // Update position
if(x<10) direction_x=-direction_x; // Reverse direction if hit boundary
if(x>(width-10)) direction_x=-direction_x;
if(y<10) direction_y=-direction_y;
// if(y>(height-10)) direction_y=-direction_y;
if(y>(height-10)) // If ball bits bottom of screen then miss..
direction_y=-direction_y; // Bounce
lives--; // Reduce lives by one
if(lives==0) exit(); // If lives is zero then quit
if((y>(height-30))&&(abs(mouseX-x)<60)) // If ball has bit paddle then..
direction_y=-direction_y; // Bounce
score++; // Increase score by one
text(score, 10, 30); // Display score
text(lives,width-30, 30); // Display lives