2014-07-04 32 views


INFO: The WCS transformation has more axes (3) than the image it is associated with (2) [astropy.wcs.wcs] 
ERROR: IndexError: list index out of range [aplpy.wcs_util] 



HCG89_halpha_plot.fits[2929,2881][real]: HCG89-SII 
No bad pixels, min=0., max=0. (old) 
Line storage mode, physdim [2929,2881], length of user area 5144 s.u. 
Created Tue 15:40:54 28-Jan-2014, Last modified Thu 22:20:03 30-Jan-2014 
Pixel file "HCG89_halpha_plot.fits" [ok] 
ORIGIN = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003'/FITS file originator 
IRAF-TLM= '2014-01-30T19:20:03'/Time of last modification 
OBJECT = 'HCG89-SII'  /Name of the object observed 
DATE-OBS= '2013-10-11T00:14:11.700'/Date of observation 
DATE = '2014-01-28T12:40:54'/Date Format is YYYY-MM-DD 
TIME = '00:14:11.07 to 00:19:11.40'/~ Start & Stop of Exposure 
N_PARAM =     80/Number of Parameters 
INSTRUME= 'Goodman Spectrograph' 
NOTES = '  ' 
RA  = '21:20:09.042'  /right ascension [hh:mm:ss.sss] 
DEC  = '-3:55:23.160'  /declination [dd:mm:ss.sss] 
AIRMASS =     1.13/airmass at approx. start of exposure 
UT  = '00:14:10.9'  /time at approx. start of exposure [UTC] 
FOCUS =    -1021.0/SOAR telescope focus 
MOUNT_AZ=    17.1482/SOAR mount azimuth 
MOUNT_EL=    62.2622/SOAR mount elevation 
ROTATOR =    228.003/Nasymth cage rotator angle [deg] 
POSANGLE=    360.0/position angle [deg. E of N] 
SEEING =     -1.0/DIMM seeing [arcsec] 
LST  = '20:50:17.4'  /Local Sidereal Time [hh:mm:ss.sss] 
OBSRA = '21:20:09.946'  /target right ascension [hh:mm:ss.sss] 
OBSDEC = '-3:55:32.480'  /target declination [hh:mm:ss.sss] 
CAM_ANG =    0.014461/camera angle [deg] 
GRT_ANG =    0.661/grating angle [deg] 
CAM_TARG=     0.0/camera target [deg] 
GRT_TARG=    0.661/grating target [deg] 
CAM_FOC =     660/camera focus 
COLL_FOC=     1002/collimator focus 
FILTER = 'SII  '   /primary filter wheel 
FILTER2 = '<NO FILTER>'  /secondary filter wheel 
GRATING = '<NO GRATING>'  /VPH grating [1/mm] 
SLIT = '<NO MASK>'  /slit [arcsec] 
COL_TEMP=   10.421875/coll ext temp (deg C) 
CAM_TEMP=   14.234375/cam ext temp (deg C) 
EXPTIME =    300.0/integration time 
RDNOISE =     4.74/CCD readnoise [e-] 
GAIN =     1.4/CCD gain [e-/ADU] 
OBSTYPE = 'OBJECT '   /observation type 
EQUINOX =    2000.0/equinox of coordinates 
CRPIX1 =  1477.39599990845/Reference pixel on axis 1 
CRPIX2 =  1488.23082170899/Reference pixel on axis 2 
CRVAL1 =  320.041401353/Value at ref. pixel on axis 1 
CRVAL2 =  -3.91652009277/Value at ref. pixel on axis 2 
CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN'   /Type of co-ordinate on axis 1 
CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN'   /Type of co-ordinate on axis 2 
PC1_1 = 0.999884048946387/Transformation matrix element 
PC1_2 = 0.0152278909432213/Transformation matrix element 
PC2_1 = -0.0140395410920601/Transformation matrix element 
PC2_2 =     1.0/Transformation matrix element 
MJD-OBS =  56576.0098576389/Modified Julian Date of observation 
RADESYS = 'FK5  '   /Reference frame for RA/DEC values 
DISPAXIS=     1 
DETSIZE = '[1:4096,1:4096]' 
TRIMSEC = '[1:3096,1:3096]' 
CCDSIZE = '[1:4096,1:4096]' 
CCDSUM = '1 1  ' 
OPENTIME= '00:14:11.611'  /GPS-Synched Time for Shutter Open (UT) 
INSTRUME= 'Goodman Spectrograph' 
COMMENT Triggered Acquisition, Exp Time= 05:00 
WCSDIM =     3 
LTM1_1 =     1.0 
LTM2_2 =     1.0 
LTM3_3 =     1.0 
WAXMAP01= '1 0 2 0 0 0 ' 
WAT0_001= 'system=physical' 
WAT1_001= 'wtype=linear axtype=ra' 
WAT2_001= 'wtype=linear axtype=dec' 
WAT3_001= 'wtype=linear' 
LTV1 = -159.604000091553 
LTV2 = -134.766998291016 
IMCMB001= '0073.HCG89-SII_scaled.fits' 
IMCMB002= '0074.HCG89-SII_scaled.fits' 
IMCMB003= '0079.HCG89-SII_scaled.fits' 
IMCMB004= '0080.HCG89-SII_scaled.fits' 
IMCMB005= '0083.HCG89-SII_scaled.fits' 
IMCMB006= '0084.HCG89-SII_scaled.fits' 
NCOMBINE=     6 
CD1_1 = 4.03250815042544E-5 
CD2_2 = 4.04084336509694E-5 
CD3_3 =     1. 
