這是我一直試圖解決的一個問題,並決定尋求幫助。我創建了一個ESRI ArcGIS Desktop加載項,允許用戶繪製多邊形,然後將其添加到地圖中。我能夠捕獲多邊形並將其添加到地圖,問題是透明度。目前和默認情況下,它是100%不透明和堅實。我想使它大約有50%的不透明度,以便用戶可以看到它背後的數據。ArcObjects 10.3向地圖添加透明多邊形
public static void AddPolygonToMap(IActiveView ActiveViewInstance, IGeometry NewGeo)
//Local Variable Declaration
var fillShapeElement = default(IFillShapeElement);
var element = default(IElement);
var graphicsContainer = default(IGraphicsContainer);
var simpleFilleSymbol = default(ISimpleFillSymbol);
var newRgbColor = default(IRgbColor);
var lineSymbol = default(ILineSymbol);
//Use the IElement interface to set the Envelope Element's geo
element = new PolygonElement();
element.Geometry = NewGeo;
//QI for the IFillShapeElement interface so that the symbol property can be set
fillShapeElement = element as IFillShapeElement;
//Create a new fill symbol
simpleFilleSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol();
//Create a new color marker symbol of the color black;
newRgbColor = new RgbColor();
newRgbColor.Red = 0;
newRgbColor.Green = 0;
newRgbColor.Blue = 0;
//Create a new line symbol so that we can set the width outline
lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol();
lineSymbol.Color = newRgbColor;
lineSymbol.Width = 2;
//Setup the Simple Fill Symbol
simpleFilleSymbol.Color = newRgbColor;
simpleFilleSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSHollow;
simpleFilleSymbol.Outline = lineSymbol;
fillShapeElement.Symbol = simpleFilleSymbol;
//QI for the graphics container from the active view allows access to basic graphics layer
graphicsContainer = ActiveViewInstance as IGraphicsContainer;
//Add the new element at Z order 0
graphicsContainer.AddElement((IElement)fillShapeElement, 0);
//Show the new graphic
我認爲這是GIS.StackExchange – HimBromBeere
的問題@HimBromBeere感謝您的建議。我已將此問題移至http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/155091/arcobjects-10-3-add-transparent-polygon-to-map – Josh
OP已將其移至GIS StackExchange,請參閱http:// gis .stackexchange.com /問題/ 155091 /添加透明多邊形到地圖使用-的ArcObjects – OzrenTkalcecKrznaric