有沒有什麼方法可以讓相機在銫3D視圖中查看地球的另一半?銫 - 在3D視圖中將相機飛向地球的另一半
有沒有什麼方法可以讓相機在銫3D視圖中查看地球的另一半?銫 - 在3D視圖中將相機飛向地球的另一半
1 - 獲取當前位置
2 - 計算目標
3 - flyTo()
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
var scene = viewer.scene;
var btn = document.getElementById('swap');
btn.addEventListener('click', goToOtherSide);
function goToOtherSide() {
// Get the position of the camera
var currentPosition = getPosition();
// Get the position on the other side of the earth
var nextPosition = getOtherSide(currentPosition);
// Use flyTo with the new position, and maintain the height
destination : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(+nextPosition.lon, +nextPosition.lat, viewer.camera.positionCartographic.height)
function getPosition() {
var center = viewer.camera.pickEllipsoid(
new Cesium.Cartesian2(viewer.canvas.width/2, viewer.canvas.height/2), Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84);
var cartographic = scene.globe.ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(center);
var lat = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.latitude).toFixed(2);
var lon = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.longitude).toFixed(2);
return {
lat: lat,
lon: lon
function getOtherSide(currentPosition) {
var ln = +currentPosition.lon + 180;
if (ln > 180) {
ln -= 360;
var lt = -currentPosition.lat;
return {
lat: lt,
lon: ln
你能更具體?您在相機飛行部分遇到問題嗎?或確定要飛往的位置? – Zac
這個銫sandcastle顯示如何使用flyTo - http://cesiumjs.org/Cesium/Apps/Sandcastle/index.html?src=Camera.html&label=Showcases操縱相機位置 – Zac