2008-11-14 107 views


我有一個問題,我想解決我的數組,但我不認爲我得到類型正確。每當我嘗試解決它時,我或者正在創建一個新陣列 - 同樣愚蠢。尤其要注意myArray,teix和dynamicProgram,請閱讀。漂亮,漂亮,請


import Array 
import Char 

trans :: Int -> Int -> Double -> Double -> Double 
trans from x trans11 trans21 = 
    if (from == 1) && (x == 1) 
     then trans11 
    else if (from == 1) && (x == 2) 
     then (1-trans11) 
    else if (from == 2) && (x == 1) 
     then trans21 
    else (1-trans21) 

em :: Char -> [Double] -> Double 
em c list = list!! a 
    where a = digitToInt c 

intToChar :: Int -> Char 
intToChar n | n == 1 = '1' 
      | n == 2 = '2' 

casino :: Char -> Int -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Double -> Double -> Double 
casino seqchar 1 y em1 em2 t1 t2= 0.5 * (em seqchar em1) 
casino seqchar 2 y em1 em2 t1 t2= 0.5 * (em seqchar em2) 
casino seqchar x y em1 em2 t1 t2= maximum[ (1 @@ y-1)*(em seqchar em1)*(trans 1 x t1 t2),(2 @@ y-1)*(em seqchar em2)*(trans 2 x t1 t2) ] 

dynamicProgram :: [Char] -> (Char -> Int -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Double -> Double -> Double) -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Double -> Double -> (Array a b) 
dynamicProgram string score list1 list2 trans11 trans21 = myArray 1 len 
           [score (string!!y) x y list1 list2 trans11 trans21 | x Int -> [Double] -> Array a b 
myArray startIndex endIndex values = listArray (startIndex,startIndex) (endIndex,endIndex) values 

traceback :: [Char] -> Int -> Int -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Double -> Double -> [Char] 
traceback s 1 0 em1 em2 t1 t2 = [] 
traceback s 2 0 em1 em2 t1 t2 = [] 
traceback s x y em1 em2 t1 t2 | [email protected]@y == (1 @@ y-1)*(em (s!!y) em1)*(trans 1 x t1 t2) = '1' : traceback s 1 (y-1) em1 em2 t1 t2 
          | [email protected]@y == (2 @@ y-1)*(em (s!!y) em1)*(trans 2 x t1 t2) = '2' : traceback s 2 (y-1) em1 em2 t1 t2 

answer :: [Char] -> [Double] -> [Double] -> Double -> Double -> [Char] 
answer string list1 list2 t1 t2 = reverse $ maxC : traceback string max end list1 list2 t1 t2 $ dynamicProgram casino string list1 list2 t1 t2 
     end = (length string) + 1 
     max | maximum ([email protected]@end) ([email protected]@end) == [email protected]@end = 1 
     | maximum ([email protected]@end) ([email protected]@end) == [email protected]@end = 2 
     maxC = intToChar max 

infix 5 @@ 
(@@) i j = myArray ! (i, j) 

main = do 
    putStrLn "What is the sequence to test?" 
    seq state 1 transmission probability?" 
    trp1 state 2 transmission probability is " ++ (1-trp1) 
    putStrLn "What is the state 2 -> state 1 transmission probability?" 
    trp2 state 2 transmission probability is " ++ (1-trp2) 
    putStrLn "I assume that the prob of starting in either state is 1/2. Go!" 
    answer seq st1 st2 trp1 trp2 




    Couldn't match expected type `[e]' against inferred type `(a, b)' 
    In the second argument of `listArray', namely 
     `(endIndex, endIndex)' 
    In the expression: 
     listArray (startIndex, startIndex) (endIndex, endIndex) values 
    In the definition of `myArray': 
     myArray startIndex endIndex values 
        = listArray (startIndex, startIndex) (endIndex, endIndex) values 


listArray :: (Ix i) => (i, i) -> [e] -> Array i e 
     -- Defined in GHC.Arr 


listArray (startIndex, endIndex) values 

而且myArray的類型是不Array a b,它是Array Int Double


    Couldn't match expected type `a -> b' 
      against inferred type `[Char]' 
    In the first argument of `($)', namely 
     `maxC : (traceback string max end list1 list2 t1 t2)' 
    In the second argument of `($)', namely 
     `(maxC : (traceback string max end list1 list2 t1 t2)) 
     $ (dynamicProgram casino string list1 list2 t1 t2)' 
    In the expression: 
     $ ((maxC : (traceback string max end list1 list2 t1 t2)) 
     $ (dynamicProgram casino string list1 list2 t1 t2)) 



    Couldn't match expected type `Array i e' 
      against inferred type `Int -> Int -> [Double] -> Array a b' 
    In the first argument of `(!)', namely `myArray' 
    In the expression: myArray ! (i, j) 
    In the definition of `@@': @@ i j = myArray ! (i, j) 





    Couldn't match expected type `[a]' against inferred type `IO()' 
    In the first argument of `(++)', namely 
      "I assume that the state 1 -> state 2 transmission probability is "' 
    In the expression: 
      "I assume that the state 1 -> state 2 transmission probability is ") 
      (1 - trp1) 
    In a 'do' expression: 
      "I assume that the state 1 -> state 2 transmission probability is ") 
      (1 - trp1) 



listArray ((startIndex, startIndex), (endIndex, endIndex)) values 

現在,這兩個邊界是元組,其類型爲Array (Int, Int) Double


非常好做! – Godeke 2008-11-15 00:13:35



trans :: Int -> Int -> Double -> Double -> Double 
trans 1 1 trans11 trans21 = trans11 
trans 1 2 trans11 trans21 = 1-trans11 
trans 2 1 trans11 trans21 = trans21 
trans _ _ trans11 trans21 = 1-trans21