2014-10-07 21 views



boolean overlaps(Circle circle) { 
    for (double i = topLeft.x; i < (topLeft.x + width); i++) 
     for (double j = topLeft.y; j < (topLeft.y + height); j++) 
      if (circle.center.x == i && circle.center.y == j) 

       return true; 

return false; 

很簡單,給點意見。 if語句出現錯誤,我的circle.center.x和/或circle.center.y


public class Circle { 
Point center; 
double radius; 
* Constructor. 
* @param center the center Point of the circle 
* @param radius the radius of the circle 
public Circle(Point center, double radius) { 
center = this.center; 
radius = this.radius; 

* Get the current center point of the circle. 
* @return the center point of the circle 
public Point getCenter() { 
    return center; 

* Set the center point of the circle. 
* @param center the (new) center point of the circle 
public void setCenter(Point center) { 
    this.center = center; 

* Get the current radius. 
* @return the current radius 
public double getRadius() { 
    return radius; 

* Set the radius. 
* @param radius the (new) radius of the circle 
public void setRadius(double radius) { 
    this.radius = radius; 




爲什麼二維循環?爲什麼不簡單不平等(即'<' or '>')檢查? – 2014-10-07 22:30:58


我確實改變了它的建議,但問題仍然存在於圈子類中。 – GravityCheck 2014-10-07 22:39:23




boolean overlaps(Circle circle) 
    return topLeft.x <= circle.center.x && circle.center.x <= topLeft.x + width && 
      topLeft.y <= circle.center.y && circle.center.y <= topLeft.y + height; 

也許這將是更合適的,但問題存在於我的圈子類中,因爲'circle.center.x'返回null,而不是重疊方法本身。 – GravityCheck 2014-10-07 22:34:35


'circle.center.x'不能返回'null',因爲它只是一個變量。它可以是'null',但只有它是引用類型而不是基元類型。 – clcto 2014-10-07 22:41:10


我的意思是它給了我一個空指針異常。 – GravityCheck 2014-10-07 22:43:12