create function [dbo].[fnUOMFactor_Inline] (
@ItemID nvarchar(20)
, @FromUnit nvarchar(10)
, @ToUnit nvarchar(10)
returns numeric(28,12)
declare @Factor numeric(28,12)
if @FromUnit = @ToUnit
set @Factor = 1
-- Simple 1-step
if @Factor is null
select @Factor = factor
from dbo.UnitConvertTest
WHere itemid = @ItemID
and fromunit = @FromUnit
and tounit = @ToUnit
-- Inverted 1-step
if @Factor is null
select @Factor = 1/factor
from dbo.UnitConvertTest
Where itemid = @ItemID
and fromunit = @ToUnit
and tounit = @FromUnit
if @Factor is null
select @Factor = uc1.factor * uc2.factor
from dbo.UnitConvertTest uc1
join dbo.UnitConvertTest uc2 on uc1.itemid = uc2.itemid
and uc1.tounit = uc2.fromunit
where uc1.itemid = @ItemID
and uc1.fromunit = @FromUnit
and uc2.tounit = @ToUnit
and uc1.factor <> 0
and uc2.factor <> 0
-- Inverted 2-step
if @Factor is null
select @Factor = 1/(uc1.factor * uc2.factor)
from dbo.UnitConvertTest uc1
join dbo.UnitConvertTest uc2 on uc1.itemid = uc2.itemid
and uc1.tounit = uc2.fromunit
Where uc1.itemid = @ItemID
and uc1.fromunit = @ToUnit
and uc2.tounit = @FromUnit
-- Complex 2-step (same fromunit)
if @Factor is null
select @Factor = uc1.factor/uc2.factor
from dbo.UnitConvertTest uc1
join dbo.UnitConvertTest uc2 on uc1.itemid = uc2.itemid
and uc1.fromunit = uc2.fromunit
Where uc1.itemid = @ItemID
and uc1.tounit = @ToUnit
and uc2.tounit = @FromUnit
-- Complex 2-step (same tounit)
if @Factor is null
select @Factor = uc1.factor/uc2.factor
from dbo.UnitConvertTest uc1
join dbo.UnitConvertTest uc2 on uc1.itemid = uc2.itemid
and uc1.tounit = uc2.tounit
Where uc1.itemid = @ItemID
and uc1.fromunit = @FromUnit
and uc2.fromunit = @ToUnit
-- Default
if @Factor is null
set @Factor = 1
return @Factor
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UnitConvertTest](
[FROMUNIT] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL,
[TOUNIT] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL,
[FACTOR] [numeric](28,12) NOT NULL,
[ITEMID] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL,
insert into dbo.UnitConvertTest (FROMUNIT, TOUNIT, FACTOR, ITEMID)
Values ('CT','PT','40.00','TEST')
, ('RM','CT','10.00','TEST')
, ('RM','PT','400.00','TEST')
Select [dbo].[fnUOMFactor_Inline] ('Test','PT','RM')
天才,謝謝!到目前爲止,我能夠使用這個函數將函數重新編寫爲內聯版本,並且我的測試示例完美無缺。我通過一些更大的數據集來運行它,它似乎工作並且是一個性能改進。然後我通過一個更大的數據集來運行它,並且我得到了下面的錯誤。我不確定基於查看函數結構的可能性。任何想法?錯誤:子查詢返回多個值。當子查詢遵循=,!=,<, <= , >,> =或當子查詢用作表達式時,這是不允許的。 –
我想我會看到問題的可能性。在你的例子中,我有{computefallback}中的子查詢。某處,我符合標準導致2行。我猜舊函數在這些場景中就像一個「更新」,只是選擇第一個值。也許我可以添加一個MAX()來選擇一個像現有邏輯正在做的因素。 –
舊的代碼有一個bug。一個非確定性值被選中......對,你可以使用MAX或TOP 1 ORDER BY .... – usr