2011-11-23 22 views



echorequest :: TXT 
echorequest = TXT { 
    f_TXT_anytxt = Just "Ping" 

echoreply :: TXT 
echoreply = TXT { 
    f_TXT_anytxt = Just "Pong" 

serverFunc :: a -> (BinaryProtocol Handle, BinaryProtocol Handle) 
       -> IO Bool 
serverFunc a (h1,h2) = do 
    let t1 = getTransport h1 
    dat <- read_TXT h1 
-- the following two lines are only for debugging 
    putStrLn "Recieved data:" 
    print dat 
    write_TXT h1 echoreply 
    tFlush t1 
-- the following line is for debugging 
    putStrLn "Data written" 

    return False 

main :: IO() 
main = do 
    runBasicServer() serverFunc 4390 
    putStrLn "Server stopped" 


main :: IO() 
main = do 
    h <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber 4390 
    let proto = BinaryProtocol h 
    putStrLn "Client started" 
    let tryOnePing c i = do 
     write_TXT proto echorequest 
     putStrLn "ping sent" 
     tFlush h 
     w <- read_TXT proto 
     putStrLn "pong received" 
     return $ if w == echoreply then c+1 else c 
    c <- foldM tryOnePing 0 [0 .. 1000] 
    tClose h 
    print (c, 10000 - c) 

,我不認爲你的代碼片段足以讓任何人來幫助你。 read_TXT是如何實現的?如果它使用'hGetContents'之類的東西,那麼這就是你的問題 - 打印不知道什麼時候所有的內容都被接收到了,並且會阻塞到EOF。這可能是關閉連接並打開新連接的原因。 –


@ ThomasM.DuBuisson這是節儉閱讀功能。在這種情況下讀取一個結構。 –
