//import packages
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Main4{
public static void main(String[] args){
boolean doItAgain = true;//add boolean value to use when restarting progam
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);//initialize new scanner
//initialize variables
int first [] = new int[10000];//initialize to maximum of 10,000 integers
int second [] = new int[10000];//initialize to maximum of 10,000 integers
int input1;
int input2;
int counter1 = 0;//counter variable for first string
int counter2 = 0;//counter variable for second string
System.out.println("Welcome To my Merge Array Program 2.0!");
System.out.println("Enter the values for the first array, up to 10000 values, enter zero or a negative number to quit"); //asks user for first array input
//loop to go through each index
for (int a = 0; a<10000; a++)
input1 = scan.nextInt();//stores input as input1
first [a] = input1;
if (input1<=0)
break;//breaks out of loop if input1 value is 0 or below
int first2 []= new int [counter1-1];
for(int b = 0; b<first2.length; b++) {
first2 [b] = first[b];
System.out.println("Enter the values for the second array, up to 10000 values, enter zero or a negative number to quit"); //asks user for second array input
for (int j = 0; j<10000; j++)
input2 = scan.nextInt();//stores input as input2
second [j] = input2;
if (input2<=0)
break;//breaks out of loop if input1 value is 0 or below
int second2 []= new int [counter2-1];
for(int c = 0; c<second2.length; c++) {
second2 [c] = second[c];
System.out.println("First Array:");//output first array values in the order of their input
for (int p=0; p<first2.length; p++) {
System.out.print(first2[p] + " ");
System.out.println("\nSecond Array:");//output second array values in the order of their input
for (int p2=0; p2<second2.length;p2++) {
System.out.print(second2[p2] + " ");
boolean valid = true;
for (int e = 0; e<first2.length-1; e++) {
if(first2[e]>first2[e+1]) {
valid = false;
for (int e2 = 0; e2<second2.length-1;e2++) {
if(second2[e2]>second2[e2+1]) {
valid = false;
int[] array = new int[first2.length + second2.length];
//fill array 3 with arrays 1 & 2
for(int k = 0; k <first2.length;k++){
array[k] = first2[k];
for (int l = 0; l<second2.length; l++){
array[first2.length + l] = second2[l];
//sort array 3
for (int i = 0; i<first2.length + 1; i++){
for (int j = i+1; j<first2.length + 1; j++){
if(array[i] > array[j]){
int temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
//output sorted merged array
System.out.println("\nMerged Array: ");
for(int p3 = 0; p3<array.length; p3++) {
System.out.print(array[p3] + " ");
//Asks user if they want to restart program. Used boolean value to initialize doItAgain variable
System.out.println("Thanks for using this program! Do you want to do it again? (Y or N)");
doItAgain = true;
doItAgain = false;
System.out.println("If you change your mind and want to run it again, type runMain.");//output closing statement if user says N to restart
請不要編輯您的問題。對於那些稍後可能會偶然發現的人來說沒有任何意義。 – Makoto