2017-09-05 107 views




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        <h3>iain shovlin</h3> 
        <h4>chairman & founding partner</h4> 

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          <h4>Chicago, USA</h4> 
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       <p class="quote">Finance is critical. If sufficient investment is made in infrastructure and venture capital is made available, there will be a big improvement in the situation.</p> 

       <p class="about">Before forming Guild Capital in 2009, Iain was a venture capitalist with Technology Crossover Ventures in Palo Alto, California for six years. At TCV he undertook investments spanning consumer internet,business process outsourcing, and software. Prior to venture capital, Iain was a management consultant with Bain & Company</p> 

       <p class="about">Iain was born in Glasgow, Scotland and has an M.A. in International Business from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.</p> 


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        <ul class="Service"><h4>Prior Investments</h4> 
        <li>EXL Service (NASDAQ: EXLS)</li> 
        <li>Hautelook (Acquired by Nordstrom)</li> 
        <li>Leadscon (Acquired by Access Intelligence)</li> 
        <li>Security Source</li> 
        <li>Total Attorneys </li> 

       <div class="col-sm-6 " > 
        <ul class="Service"><h4>Active Investments </h4> 
        <li>Argyle Search Partners*</li> 
        <li>Candy Club</li> 
        <li>Club W</li> 
        <li>Gaming Insiders</li> 
        <li>Home Chef</li> 
        <li>Mystery Tackle Box</li> 

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       <a href="#" class=""> Smriti Jayaraman </a> 
       <a href="#" class=""> Vice President </a> 

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     <div class="akshat-jain-Senior-A"> 
       <a href="#" class=""> Akshat jain </a> 
       <a href="#" class=""> Senior Associate </a> 

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佈局錯誤,請正確設置佈局,然後有人能夠幫助您。 –





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.menu-item-list { display:block; float:left; 寬度:100%; 身高:100%; 位置:相對; 明確:均; }我只是這個垂直導航的css –


我錯了。看起來你正在使用「絕對位置」。您需要正確使用「position-absolute」以及「position-relative」來解決重疊問題。 「箭頭」塊下的每個元素都有「絕對」屬性。您需要在「hr」元素上使用「position:relative」和「top:50px」,以避免重疊 –