% Conway Game of Life (Stack Overflow, 'magus' implementation)
% The life grid, 15x15
% Infinite generates sep with keystroke
% -------------------------------------
life(Grid) :-
onegen(Grid, 0, NewGrid),
% Dumps a generation out
% ----------------------
dumpgen([]) :- nl.
dumpgen([H|T]) :-
write(H), nl,
% Does one generation
% --------------------------------
onegen(_, 15, []).
onegen(Grid, Row, [NewRow|NewGrid]) :-
xformrow(Grid, Row, 0, NewRow),
NRow is Row + 1,
onegen(Grid, NRow, NewGrid).
% Transforms one row
% --------------------------------
xformrow(_, _, 15, []).
xformrow(Grid, Row, Col, [NewState|NewList]) :-
xformstate(Grid, Row, Col, NewState),
NewCol is Col + 1,
xformrow(Grid, Row, NewCol, NewList).
% Request new state of any cell
% --------------------------------
xformstate(Grid, Row, Col, NS) :-
cellstate(Grid, Row, Col, CS),
nextstate(Grid, Row, Col, CS, NS).
% Calculate next state of any cell
% --------------------------------
% Cell is currently dead
nextstate(Grid, Row, Col, 0, NS) :-
neightotal(Grid, Row, Col, Total),
(Total =:= 3 -> NS = 1 ; NS = 0).
% Cell is currently alive
nextstate(Grid, Row, Col, 1, NS) :-
neightotal(Grid, Row, Col, Total),
((Total =:= 2; Total =:=3)
-> NS = 1; NS = 0).
% State of all surrounding neighbours
neightotal(Grid, Row, Col, TotalSum) :-
% Immediately neighbours X, Y
XM1 is Col - 1,
XP1 is Col + 1,
YM1 is Row - 1,
YP1 is Row + 1,
% State at all those compass points
cellstate(Grid, YM1, Col, N),
cellstate(Grid, YM1, XP1, NE),
cellstate(Grid, Row, XP1, E),
cellstate(Grid, YP1, XP1, SE),
cellstate(Grid, YP1, Col, S),
cellstate(Grid, YP1, XM1, SW),
cellstate(Grid, Row, XM1, W),
cellstate(Grid, YM1, XM1, NW),
% Add up the liveness
TotalSum is N + NE + E + SE + S + SW + W + NW.
% State at any given row/col - 0 or 1
% -----------------------------------
% Valid range, return it's state
cellstate(Grid, Row, Col, State) :-
between(0, 14, Row),
between(0, 14, Col),
nth0(Row, Grid, RL),
nth0(Col, RL, State).
% Outside range is dead
cellstate(_, _, _, 0).
[debug] ?- grid(X), life(X).
感謝您的時間查克莫寺廟 - 正是我一直在尋找的 - 看着,我已經沒有考慮這個問題的不同方式。做得好! – magus 2012-02-19 10:46:56