#version 330
layout (location = 0) in vec3 Position;
layout (location = 1) in vec3 Normal;
out vec4 Colour0;
// Transforms
uniform mat4 gModelToWorldTransform;
uniform mat4 gWorldToViewToProjectionTransform;
// Ambient light parameters
uniform vec3 gAmbientLightIntensity;
// Directional light parameters
uniform vec3 gDirectionalLightIntensity;
uniform vec3 gDirectionalLightDirection;
// Material constants
uniform float gKa;
uniform float gKd;
uniform float gKs;
uniform float gKsStrength;
void main()
// Transform the vertex from local space to homogeneous clip space
vec4 vertexPositionInModelSpace = vec4(Position, 1);
vec4 vertexInWorldSpace = gModelToWorldTransform * vertexPositionInModelSpace;
vec4 vertexInHomogeneousClipSpace = gWorldToViewToProjectionTransform * vertexInWorldSpace;
gl_Position = vertexInHomogeneousClipSpace;
// Calculate the directional light intensity at the vertex
// Find the normal in world space and normalise it
vec3 normalInWorldSpace = (gModelToWorldTransform * vec4(Normal, 0.0)).xyz;
normalInWorldSpace = normalize(normalInWorldSpace);
// Calculate the ambient light intensity at the vertex
// Ia = Ka * ambientLightIntensity
vec4 ambientLightIntensity = gKa * vec4(gAmbientLightIntensity, 1.0);
// Setup the light direction and normalise it
vec3 lightDirection = normalize(-gDirectionalLightDirection);
//lightDirection = normalize(gDirectionalLightDirection);
// Id = kd * lightItensity * N.L
// Calculate N.L
float diffuseFactor = dot(normalInWorldSpace, lightDirection);
diffuseFactor = clamp(diffuseFactor, 0.0, 1.0);
// N.L * light source colour * intensity
vec4 diffuseLightIntensity = gKd * vec4(gDirectionalLightIntensity, 1.0f) * diffuseFactor;
vec3 lightReflect = normalize(reflect(gDirectionalLightDirection, Normal));
//Calculate the specular light intensity at the vertex
float specularFactor = dot(normalInWorldSpace, lightReflect);
specularFactor = pow(specularFactor, gKsStrength);
vec4 specularLightIntensity = gKs * vec4(gDirectionalLightIntensity, 1.0f) * specularFactor;
// Final vertex colour is the product of the vertex colour
// and the total light intensity at the vertex
vec4 colour = vec4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Colour0 = colour * (ambientLightIntensity + diffuseLightIntensity + specularLightIntensity);
// Lighting uniforms location
GLuint gAmbientLightIntensityLoc;
GLuint gDirectionalLightIntensityLoc;
GLuint gDirectionalLightDirectionLoc;
GLuint gSpecularLightIntensityLoc;
// Materials uniform location
GLuint gKaLoc;
GLuint gKdLoc;
GLuint gKsLoc;
GLuint gKsStrengthLoc;
// Set the material properties
glUniform1f(gKaLoc, 0.2f);
glUniform1f(gKdLoc, 0.9f);
glUniform1f(gKsLoc, 0.5f);
glUniform1f(gKsStrengthLoc, 0.5f);
static void initLights()
// Setup the ambient light
vec3 ambientLightIntensity = vec3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
glUniform3fv(gAmbientLightIntensityLoc, 1, &ambientLightIntensity[0]);
// Setup the direactional light
vec3 directionalLightDirection = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
glUniform3fv(gDirectionalLightDirectionLoc, 1, &directionalLightDirection[0]);
vec3 directionalLightIntensity = vec3(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
glUniform3fv(gDirectionalLightIntensityLoc, 1, &directionalLightIntensity[0]);
//Setup the specular Light
vec3 specularLightIntensity = vec3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
glUniform3fv(gSpecularLightIntensityLoc, 1, &specularLightIntensity[0]);
gKsStrengthLoc = glGetUniformLocation(shaderProgram, "gKsStrength");
//assert(gDirectionalLightDirectionLoc != 0xFFFFFFFF);
還有一點評論 - 通常,鏡面反射光不會乘以物體的顏色,而是會隨着光線顏色與鏡面反射強度的乘積而增加到最終顏色上。因此,對於白光,鏡面高光應該是白色的,而不是綠色的。 – vesan 2014-12-02 22:20:01