2017-10-16 66 views


Issue = c("Difficulty receiving products in general", 
"Supplier compliance issues", "Supplier fraud, waste, or abuse", 
"Difficulty receiving products in general", "Difficulty receiving products in general", 
"Supplier fraud, waste, or abuse", "Supplier service issues", 
"Problems repairing due to service issues ", "Problems repairing due to service issues ", 
"Other", "Billing, coverage, coordination of benefits", "Problems repairing due to service issues ", 
"Difficulty receiving products in general", "Difficulty receiving products in general", 
"Low quantity/quality", "Difficulty receiving products in general", 
"Difficulty receiving products in general", "Supplier service issues", 
"Problems repairing due to service issues ", "Problems repairing due to service issues ", 
"Problems repairing due to service issues ", "Problems repairing due to lack of inventory ", 
"Supplier service issues", "Difficulty receiving products in general", 
"Supplier service issues") 

Resolution = c("Current supplier resolved the issue", 
"Current supplier resolved the issue", "Current supplier resolved the issue", 
"Supplier educated about inquiry\n", "Beneficiary educated about inquiry ", 
"Supplier educated about inquiry\n", "Beneficiary educated about DMEPOS\n", 
"Beneficiary educated about inquiry ", "Beneficiary educated about inquiry ", 
"Beneficiary educated about inquiry ", "Beneficiary educated about suppliers", 
"The case unresolved ", "The case unresolved ", "Beneficiary educated about DMEPOS\n", 
"Current supplier resolved the issue", "Current supplier resolved the issue", 
"Beneficiary educated about DMEPOS\n", "Beneficiary educated about suppliers", 
"New supplier found ", "Beneficiary educated about suppliers", 
"Supplier educated about inquiry\n", "New supplier found ", 
"New supplier found ", "Beneficiary educated about DMEPOS\n", 
"The case unresolved ") 

df <- data.frame(Issue,Resolution) 
crosstable<- table(df$Issue,df$Resolution) 



你到目前爲止嘗試過什麼? – Mako212


你有沒有嘗試過任何'ggplot()'代碼?看起來像一個編碼服務請求,而不是一個特定的問題 – Nate




ggplot(df, aes(Issue, fill = Resolution)) + geom_bar() 
