我做我的觀點的過渡,總是會發生一些奇怪的,我的意思是我用這個代碼計算角度:angle = atan2f(currentTouchPoint.y - center.y, currentTouchPoint.x - center.x) - atan2f(previousTouchPoint.y - center.y, previousTouchPoint.x - center.x);
CGAffineTranformRotate ATAN2 inaccuration
和視圖旋轉,但不正常。我的意思是它在正確的方向旋轉,但角度總是不準確的+/- 0.05弧度。當我再次敲擊時,視圖旋轉到適當的位置。任何adivices?逗號后角度精確到5個位置對我來說很重要。
Some NSLog to show you the problem:
First rotation first tap and second tap
2012-01-07 01:01:26.283 Wheel[9080:707] Angle: 0.598412
2012-01-07 01:01:29.281 Wheel[9080:707] Angle: -0.070008
Second rotation first tap and second tap
2012-01-07 01:01:31.103 Wheel[9080:707] Angle: -0.679809
2012-01-07 01:01:32.450 Wheel[9080:707] Angle: 0.092595
Third rotation first tap and second tap
2012-01-07 01:01:35.745 Wheel[9080:707] Angle: 0.607844
2012-01-07 01:01:36.945 Wheel[9080:707] Angle: -0.064927
Fourth rotation first tap and second tap
2012-01-07 01:01:41.073 Wheel[9080:707] Angle: -0.635756
2012-01-07 01:01:41.920 Wheel[9080:707] Angle: 0.052361
Circle *view = (Circle *) [self view];
for (CircleThumb *thumb in view.subviews) {
CGPoint point = [thumb convertPoint:thumb.centerPoint toView:nil];
CircleThumb *shadow = [[view.overlayView subviews] lastObject];
CGPoint centralPoint = [shadow convertPoint:shadow.centerPoint toView:nil];
CGRect shadowRect = [shadow.superview convertRect:shadow.frame toView:nil];
if (CGRectContainsPoint(shadowRect, point) == YES) {
CGPoint pointInShadowRect = [thumb convertPoint:thumb.centerPoint toView:shadow];
if (CGPathContainsPoint(shadow.arc.CGPath, NULL, pointInShadowRect, NULL)) {
CGAffineTransform current = view.transform;
CGPoint center = view.window.center;
CGPoint currentTouchPoint =centralPoint;
CGPoint previousTouchPoint = point;
long double angle = atan2f(currentTouchPoint.y - center.y, currentTouchPoint.x - center.x) - atan2f(previousTouchPoint.y - center.y, previousTouchPoint.x - center.x);
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3f animations:^{
[view setTransform:CGAffineTransformRotate(current, angle)];
[view.delegate circle:view didMoveToSegment:thumb.tag thumb:thumb];
NSLog(@"Angle: %Lf ", angle);
這是代碼是一部分 ' - touchesEnded:withEvent:方法' 實施
所以Circle是我們旋轉的UIView。 Circle獲得了子視圖 - CircleThumbs。拇指代表圈的單個部分。積分計算得當,但我不會解釋爲什麼,因爲沒有必要。
您能否寄出打印上述信息的代碼?什麼是第一次和第二次水龍頭? – alekhine 2012-01-07 05:16:13