2011-10-11 41 views




public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) 
     byte[] data = new byte[count]; 
     Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, data, 0, count); 
     string html = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer); 

     //--- Work on the HTML from the page. We want to pass it through the 
     //--- obfusication function before it is sent to the browser. 
     html = html.Replace(html, obfuscate(html)); 

     byte[] outdata = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(html); 
     _strmHTML.Write(outdata, 0, outdata.GetLength(0)); 

protected string obfuscate(string input) 

     //--- Declarations 
     string email = string.Empty; 
     string obsEmail = string.Empty; 
     string matchedEMail = string.Empty; 
     int matchIndex = 0; 
     int matchLength = 0; 

     //--- This is a REGEX to grab any "a href=mailto" tags in the document. 
     MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(input, @"<a href=""mailto:[a-zA-Z0-9\.,|\-|[email protected]?= &]*"">", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); 

     //--- Because of the nature of doing a match search with regex, we must now loop through the results 
     //--- of the MatchCollection. 
     foreach (Match match in matches) 

      //--- Get the match string 
      matchedEMail = match.ToString(); 
      matchIndex = match.Index; 
      matchLength = match.Length; 

      //--- Obfusicate the matched string. 
      obsEmail = obfusucateEmail(@match.Value.ToString()); 

      //--- Reform the entire HTML stream. THis has to be added back in at the right point. 
      input = input.Substring(0, matchIndex) + obsEmail + input.Substring(matchIndex + matchLength);     

     //--- Return the obfuscated result. 
     return input; 

protected string obfusucateEmail(string input) 

     //--- Declarations 
     string email = string.Empty; 
     string obsEmail = string.Empty; 

     //--- Reset these value, in case we find more than one match. 
     email = string.Empty; 
     obsEmail = string.Empty; 

     //--- Get the email address out of the array 
     email = @input; 

     //--- Clean up the string. We need to get rid of the beginning of the tag, and the end >. First, 
     //--- let's flush out all quotes. 
     email = email.Replace("\"", ""); 

     //--- Now, let's replace the beginning of the tag. 
     email = email.Replace("<a href=mailto:", ""); 

     //--- Finally, let's get rid of the closing tag. 
     email = email.Replace(">", ""); 

     //--- Now, we have a cleaned mailto string. Let's obfusicate it. 
     Array matcharray = email.ToCharArray(); 

     //--- Loop through the CharArray and encode each letter. 
     foreach (char letter in matcharray) 
      //Convert each letter of the address to the corresponding ASCII code. 
      //Add XX to each value to break the direct ASCII code to letter mapping. We'll deal 
      // with subtracting XX from each number on the JavaScript side. 
      obsEmail += Convert.ToInt32((letter) + 42).ToString() + "~"; 

     //--- Before we return the obfusicated value, we need to reform the tag. 
     //--- Remember, up above, we stripped all this out. Well now, we need 
     //--- to add it again. 
     obsEmail = "<a href=\"mailto:" + obsEmail + "\">"; 

     return obsEmail; 


謝謝, 邁克


HI邁克u能在這裏分享您的完整代碼? –




protected string ObfuscateUsingMatchEvaluator(string input) 
      var re = new Regex(@"<a href=""mailto:[a-zA-Z0-9\.,|\-|[email protected]?= &]*"">",   RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline); 
      return re.Replace(input, DoObfuscation); 


protected string DoObfuscation(Match match) 
     return obfusucateEmail(match.Value); 

而且完美的作品。謝謝! – Mike


根據您的性能需求(取決於您的文檔的大小除其他事項外),你可能會考慮使用HTML Agility Pack,而不是你的正則表達式解析和操縱你的HTML。您可以使用Linq to Objects或XPath來識別所有的mailto標籤。

你應該能夠修改下面的例子中(從the codeplex wiki page)找到的mailto標籤:

HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); 
foreach(HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//a[@href"]) 
    HtmlAttribute att = link["href"]; 
    if (att.Value.StartsWith("mailto:") EncryptValue(att); 

嘿菲利普,我確實看過那個產品。沒有足夠的文件或有效的樣本讓我嘗試將它帶入我們的環境中。我們有大客戶網站,我不能冒險。 – Mike


@Mike增加了一個例子。代碼位於單個程序集中,您可以從項目中進行部署和引用。它被廣泛用於這些類型的任務。 –