C# 我從SlimDX收到此錯誤: 第一次機會異常「slimdx.direct3d11.direct3d11例外」SlimDX調試的幫助 - 第一次機會異常「slimdx.direct3d11.direct3d11例外」
有什麼想法? ...
D3D11: INFO: Create InputLayout: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C91304, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097264: CREATE_INPUTLAYOUT ]
D3D11: INFO: Create BlendState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C917BC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097270: CREATE_BLENDSTATE ]
D3D11: INFO: Create DepthStencilState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C919AC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097273: CREATE_DEPTHSTENCILSTATE ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Texture2D: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C03B64, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097234: CREATE_TEXTURE2D ]
D3D11: INFO: Create ShaderResourceView: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C91DE4, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097240: CREATE_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Texture2D: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C0401C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097234: CREATE_TEXTURE2D ]
D3D11: INFO: Create ShaderResourceView: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C038EC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097240: CREATE_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Texture2D: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C04A34, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097234: CREATE_TEXTURE2D ]
D3D11: INFO: Create ShaderResourceView: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C041F4, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097240: CREATE_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Texture2D: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C05024, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097234: CREATE_TEXTURE2D ]
D3D11: INFO: Create ShaderResourceView: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C04594, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097240: CREATE_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Texture2D: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C04C0C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097234: CREATE_TEXTURE2D ]
D3D11: INFO: Create ShaderResourceView: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C043B4, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097240: CREATE_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C00264, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create VertexShader: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C004F4, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097249: CREATE_VERTEXSHADER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create PixelShader: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C008AC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097261: CREATE_PIXELSHADER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create InputLayout: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C00C74, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097264: CREATE_INPUTLAYOUT ]
D3D11: INFO: Create RasterizerState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C054C4, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097276: CREATE_RASTERIZERSTATE ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Sampler: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C05684, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097267: CREATE_SAMPLER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Texture2D: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C05CDC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097234: CREATE_TEXTURE2D ]
A first chance exception of type 'SlimDX.Direct3D11.Direct3D11Exception' occurred in SlimDX.dll
D3D11: INFO: Destroy RenderTargetView: Name="new_ToScreenView", Addr=0x06BEEE44 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097245: DESTROY_RENDERTARGETVIEW ]
D3D11: INFO: Destroy Texture2D: Name="new_Swapchain_Texture", Addr=0x06BE9C04 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097236: DESTROY_TEXTURE2D ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Texture2D: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C05AFC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097234: CREATE_TEXTURE2D ]
D3D11: INFO: Create RenderTargetView: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06BEEE44, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097243: CREATE_RENDERTARGETVIEW ]
D3D11: INFO: Destroy DepthStencilView: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06BF20D4 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097248: DESTROY_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW ]
D3D11: INFO: Destroy Texture2D: Name="D3D_depthStencil", Addr=0x06BEF1B4 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097236: DESTROY_TEXTURE2D ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Texture2D: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06BEF1B4, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097234: CREATE_TEXTURE2D ]
D3D11: INFO: Create DepthStencilView: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C060AC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097246: CREATE_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0AC90614, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create VertexShader: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0AC9086C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097249: CREATE_VERTEXSHADER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create PixelShader: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0AC90C04, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097261: CREATE_PIXELSHADER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create InputLayout: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C0639C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097264: CREATE_INPUTLAYOUT ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C067CC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C06B54, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C06F2C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C07304, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
A first chance exception of type 'SlimDX.Direct3D11.Direct3D11Exception' occurred in SlimDX.dll
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06C07C04, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0AC9187C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create VertexShader: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0AC91B0C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097249: CREATE_VERTEXSHADER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create PixelShader: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0AC91EC4, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097261: CREATE_PIXELSHADER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create InputLayout: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06BF393C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097264: CREATE_INPUTLAYOUT ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
A first chance exception of type 'SlimDX.Direct3D11.Direct3D11Exception' occurred in SlimDX.dll
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06BF43EC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: Create Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0AC93CB4, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create VertexShader: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0AC93F44, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097249: CREATE_VERTEXSHADER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create PixelShader: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06BF4CAC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097261: CREATE_PIXELSHADER ]
D3D11: INFO: Create InputLayout: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x06BF5074, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097264: CREATE_INPUTLAYOUT ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
D3D11: INFO: ID3D11DeviceContext::Draw: The Pixel Shader unit expects a Shader Resource View at Slot 0, but none is bound. This is OK, as reads of an unbound Shader Resource View are defined to return 0. It is also possible the developer knows the data will not be used anyway. This is only a problem if the developer actually intended to bind a Shader Resource View here. [ EXECUTION INFO #353: DEVICE_DRAW_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW_NOT_SET ]
A first chance exception of type 'SlimDX.Direct3D11.Direct3D11Exception' occurred in SlimDX.dll
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException +=
(object source, FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs e) =>
Console.WriteLine("FirstChanceException event raised in {0}: {1}",
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, e.Exception.Message);
現在我明白了這一點: FirstChanceException活動募集nART.exe:D3D11_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:未找到文件(-2005139454)
感謝。這有幫助。 – FrozT