2011-11-13 80 views

類我已經定義了以下類的Android GSON解析與列表字段

public class InfoSesionResponse { 

    EstadoRequest ESTADO; 
    List<InfoSesion> infosesion=new ArrayList<InfoSesion>(); 





    "ESTADO":{"CODIGO":"C","DESCRIPCION":"Todo bien"}, 
      {"USUARIO":"Silveira Garc\u00eda, Francisco","CENTRO":"I.E.S. N\u00e9stor  


到deserealize 'List<InfoSesion> infosesion=new ArrayList<InfoSesion>()'我必須指定正確的parametrizetype ...

Type infosesionlistype= new TypeToken<List<InfoSesionResponse>>() {}.getType(); 
InfoSesionResponse infosesionresponse=gson.fromJson(jsonInfoSesion, infosesionlistype); 









{              // start object definition 
    "ESTADO":           // add reference of following type 
    {             //  start object definition 
     "CODIGO": "C",        //  add reference of type String or an enum 
     "DESCRIPCION": "Todo bien"     //  add reference of type String 
    },            //  end object definition 
    [             // add reference to list or array of the following type 
     {            //  start object definition 
      "USUARIO": "Silveira García, Francisco", //  add String reference 
      "CENTRO": "I.E.S. Néstor Almendros",  //  add String reference 
      "C_CODIGO": "41701183"     //  add String or number reference 
     }            //  end object definition 
}              // end object definition 


// start object definition 

class Response 


// start object definition 
// add reference of following type 
//  start object definition 

class Response 
    State ESTADO; 

class State 


// start object definition 
// add reference of following type 
//  start object definition 
//  add reference of type String or an enum 
//  add reference of type String 
//  end object definition 

class Response 
    State ESTADO; 

class State 
    String CODIGO; 
    String DESCRIPCION; 

// start object definition 
// add reference of following type 
//  start object definition 
//  add reference of type String or an enum 
//  add reference of type String 
//  end object definition 
// add reference to list or array of the following type 
//  start object definition 

class Response 
    State ESTADO; 
    List<Result> RESULTADO; 

class Result 


class State 
    String CODIGO; 
    String DESCRIPCION; 

// start object definition 
// add reference of following type 
//  start object definition 
//  add reference of type String or an enum 
//  add reference of type String 
//  end object definition 
// add reference to list or array of the following type 
//  start object definition 
//  add String reference 
//  add String reference 
//  add String or number reference 
//  end object definition 
// end object definition 

class Response 
    State ESTADO; 
    List<Result> RESULTADO; 

class Result 
    String USUARIO; 
    String CENTRO; 
    String C_CODIGO; 

class State 
    String CODIGO; 
    String DESCRIPCION; 


import java.io.FileReader; 
import java.util.List; 

import com.google.gson.Gson; 

public class GsonFoo 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
    Gson gson = new Gson(); 
    Response response = gson.fromJson(new FileReader("input.json"), Response.class); 

class Response 
    State ESTADO; 
    List<Result> RESULTADO; 

class Result 
    String USUARIO; 
    String CENTRO; 
    String C_CODIGO; 

class State 
    String CODIGO; 
    String DESCRIPCION; 