2016-04-23 114 views

我正在研究一個項目,其中的數據是從一個c代碼生成的,我將其複製到一個txt文件中,我在下面給出了這個文件。我應該通過Python讀取數據,因此使用matplotlib生成3D圖形。我經歷了許多pyhton代碼,但我不知道如何從數據中計算出x,y和z軸。 我知道這是一個含糊而蹩腳的問題,但我對這一點很陌生,也很喜歡數學。使用matplotlib進行三維圖形繪製


s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s16 
64m 838.4 829.2 819.0 807.5 798.9 787.5 773.9 765.3 752.9 742.0 728.3 713.3 702.2 687.2 683.2 660.3 
32m 838.3 828.7 818.5 808.5 799.9 785.9 774.4 766.8 752.8 741.0 729.6 712.9 701.2 688.6 680.3 659.1 
16m 838.5 828.1 816.8 806.8 800.2 787.8 777.0 767.6 752.7 738.0 733.3 716.8 704.2 692.8 684.9 660.2 
8m 835.5 830.3 822.3 812.4 799.8 792.1 779.6 769.8 757.5 744.8 733.2 716.4 704.2 692.2 684.7 664.6 
4m 835.5 829.9 818.7 815.1 807.4 795.5 759.0 775.2 761.8 752.3 739.2 723.8 711.6 696.4 688.5 669.0 
2m 842.5 852.1 849.0 840.9 842.5 836.0 824.8 825.9 819.1 820.5 815.5 809.8 803.8 794.7 786.5 772.7 
1024k 855.4 855.8 854.4 851.1 853.0 851.0 848.1 831.7 843.6 842.2 841.2 839.7 836.7 830.0 822.3 812.0 
512k 855.3 856.7 854.3 851.8 853.1 849.8 848.1 845.7 843.2 842.8 841.2 840.4 836.4 831.2 821.5 812.0 
256k 853.6 854.5 825.0 831.8 851.4 846.4 846.5 843.2 842.6 841.8 842.3 843.0 845.3 847.0 839.1 829.9 
128k 854.6 853.3 853.6 851.2 852.9 852.7 846.6 845.5 843.8 843.7 847.6 849.9 853.4 855.1 853.8 844.8 
64k 854.4 854.6 854.0 849.6 853.2 851.6 847.3 844.4 841.6 843.2 847.7 846.6 847.6 847.4 848.1 841.7 
32k 855.8 859.7 857.2 857.3 856.0 861.4 859.8 859.4 861.8 854.7 852.4 852.9 854.0 847.8 844.6 846.4 
16k 857.6 860.4 851.9 850.0 850.4 846.9 857.0 845.1 838.3 841.6 838.5 844.9 837.1 847.1 839.7 829.4 
8k 851.1 850.0 843.8 869.5 840.6 832.4 848.6 829.4 839.2 829.0 811.9 833.7 823.0 810.7 810.8 821.4 
4k 851.9 856.4 833.6 828.1 818.7 814.3 822.1 808.4 819.8 784.8 773.3 769.9 766.6 771.5 752.7 765.2 
2k 867.3 830.7 810.1 810.9 794.2 777.5 758.2 768.5 739.7 726.9 719.1 718.2 699.9 700.0 672.1 685.9 
1k 832.3 807.8 794.8 774.0 726.9 712.4 687.5 687.7 721.9 726.9 703.5 695.7 692.5 662.2 537.7 667.2 




# we need this to create figures 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
# this is needed for 3d projections 
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 

# some chunks of your data as lists 
x = [128e3, 64e3, 32e3, 16e3, 8e3, 4e3, 2e3, 1e3] 
s1 = [854.6, 854.4, 855.8, 857.6, 851.1, 851.9, 867.3, 832.3] 
s2 = [853.3, 854.6, 859.7, 860.4, 850.0, 856.4, 830.7, 807.8] 
s3 = [853.6, 854.0, 857.2, 851.9, 843.8, 833.6, 810.1, 794.8] 

# to plot 2d data create a figure 
fig = plt.figure() 
# add a (sub)plot 
ax = fig.add_subplot(111) 
# use it to plot your 2d data 
ax.plot(x, s1) 



現在的3D數據是n個點跟蹤(X_0,S1_0,s2_0)至( x_n,s1_n,s2_n)通過3d空間。有很多方式來呈現您的數據(請參閱鏈接)。他們都基本遵循相同的語法。作爲3d散點圖的其他示例:

fig = plt.figure() 
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') 
ax.scatter(x, s1, s2) 

# a bit more tricky, we will need NumPy 
import numpy as np 

# we want to plot three graphs 
idx = np.arange(3) 
# So we need a meshgrid 
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, idx) 
Z = np.array([s1, s2, s3]) 
# Basically X has now three 'lanes' 
# Y has 1k to 128k for each lane 
# And Z[n] has the data for lane n 

fig = plt.figure() 
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') 
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, cstride=0) 


我已經複製了數據,請看看。 – Fatima


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