2015-04-21 66 views


num NED IAU z N det TOF type alph.4 alph1 alph5 alph10 alph15 alph20 alph50 dSIbydnu DWORRY UVNONE 
1 ESO473-G007 J001605-234 0.06401 19.51 det 8.59 u -0.432 -0.428 -0.413 -0.402 -0.395 -0.389 -0.369 0.017 53.53 UV 
2 PKS0023-26 J0025-2602 0.32162 18.36 det 7.95 a -0.272 -0.437 -0.726 -0.849 -0.919 -0.972 -1.135 -0.414 53.57 UV 
3 NGC0315 0055+30 0.01648 18.84 det 7.41 a -0.248 -0.306 -0.379 -0.398 -0.406 -0.411 -0.417 -0.119 53.60 UV 

I型data = pandas.read_csv('radio.dat',sep=' ', header=0), 但是當我print data我得到3個標題,然後列名開始從那裏應該開始3列下來,我得到一個額外的3 NaN的列:

          num  NED IAU z N det ... 
1 ESO473-G007    J001605-234  NaN 0.06401 19.51 det NaN 8.59 ... 
2 PKS0023-26    J0025-2602  NaN 0.32162 18.36 det NaN 7.95 ... 
3 NGC0315     0055+30   NaN 0.01648 18.84 det NaN 7.41 ... 

num應該是列的頭部,其中1 2 3 ...,下一列爲NED,下一列爲IAU,NaN甚至不應該在那裏。

我已經嘗試設置index_col = 0,但是這給了我這個錯誤:

File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\parsers.py", line 1184, in read 
    values = data.pop(self.index_col[i]) 
IndexError: list index out of range 

設置index_col =假給人

File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pandas\io\parsers.py", line 1164, in read 
    data = self._reader.read(nrows) 
    File "pandas\parser.pyx", line 758, in pandas.parser.TextReader.read (pandas\parser.c:7411) 
    File "pandas\parser.pyx", line 780, in pandas.parser.TextReader._read_low_memory (pandas\parser.c:7651) 
    File "pandas\parser.pyx", line 855, in pandas.parser.TextReader._read_rows (pandas\parser.c:8484) 
    File "pandas\parser.pyx", line 936, in pandas.parser.TextReader._convert_column_data (pandas\parser.c:9490) 
    File "pandas\parser.pyx", line 1208, in pandas.parser.TextReader._get_column_name (pandas\parser.c:13172) 
IndexError: list index out of range 





In [128]: 

t="""num NED IAU z N det TOF type alph.4 alph1 alph5 alph10 alph15 alph20 alph50 dSIbydnu DWORRY UVNONE 
1 ESO473-G007 J001605-234 0.06401 19.51 det 8.59 u -0.432 -0.428 -0.413 -0.402 -0.395 -0.389 -0.369 0.017 53.53 UV 
2 PKS0023-26 J0025-2602 0.32162 18.36 det 7.95 a -0.272 -0.437 -0.726 -0.849 -0.919 -0.972 -1.135 -0.414 53.57 UV 
3 NGC0315 0055+30 0.01648 18.84 det 7.41 a -0.248 -0.306 -0.379 -0.398 -0.406 -0.411 -0.417 -0.119 53.60 UV""" 
data = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(t),sep='\s+', header=0) 
    num   NED   IAU  z  N det TOF type alph.4 \ 
0 1 ESO473-G007 J001605-234 0.06401 19.51 det 8.59 u -0.432 
1 2 PKS0023-26 J0025-2602 0.32162 18.36 det 7.95 a -0.272 
2 3  NGC0315  0055+30 0.01648 18.84 det 7.41 a -0.248 

    alph1 alph5 alph10 alph15 alph20 alph50 dSIbydnu DWORRY UVNONE 
0 -0.428 -0.413 -0.402 -0.395 -0.389 -0.369  0.017 53.53  UV 
1 -0.437 -0.726 -0.849 -0.919 -0.972 -1.135 -0.414 53.57  UV 
2 -0.306 -0.379 -0.398 -0.406 -0.411 -0.417 -0.119 53.60  UV 

alph50 dSIbydnu DWORRY



謝謝它堆積如山 –