
我有一個非常大的數據集(大約1,5 * 10^6個例子),每個都有一個二進制(0/1)標籤和100個特徵。我需要做的是建立一個簡單的MLP,然後嘗試改變學習率和初始化模式來記錄結果(這是一個任務)。 雖然我得到了奇怪的結果,因爲我的MLP似乎早就陷入了一個低但不是很高的成本,並且從來沒有下過。由於學習速率相當低,所以成本幾乎立即上漲。我不知道是否問題在於我如何構建MLP(我做了幾次嘗試,發佈最後一個代碼)還是如果我在tensorflow實現中丟失了某些東西。


import tensorflow as tf 
import numpy as np 
import scipy.io 

# Import and transform dataset 
print("Importing dataset.") 
dataset = scipy.io.mmread('tfidf_tsvd.mtx') 

with open('labels.txt') as f: 
    all_labels = f.readlines() 

all_labels = np.asarray(all_labels) 
all_labels = all_labels.reshape((1498271,1)) 

# Split dataset into training (66%) and test (33%) set 
training_set = dataset[0:1000000] 
training_labels = all_labels[0:1000000] 
test_set  = dataset[1000000:1498272] 
test_labels  = all_labels[1000000:1498272] 

print("Dataset ready.") 

# Parameters 
learning_rate = 0.01 #argv 
mini_batch_size = 100 
training_epochs = 10000 
display_step = 500 

# Network Parameters 
n_hidden_1 = 64 # 1st hidden layer of neurons 
n_hidden_2 = 32 # 2nd hidden layer of neurons 
n_hidden_3 = 16 # 3rd hidden layer of neurons 
n_input  = 100 # number of features after LSA 

# Tensorflow Graph input 
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=[None, n_input], name="x-data") 
y = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=[None, 1], name="y-labels") 

print("Creating model.") 

# Create model 
def multilayer_perceptron(x, weights): 
    # First hidden layer with SIGMOID activation 
    layer_1 = tf.matmul(x, weights['h1']) 
    layer_1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(layer_1) 
    # Second hidden layer with SIGMOID activation 
    layer_2 = tf.matmul(layer_1, weights['h2']) 
    layer_2 = tf.nn.sigmoid(layer_2) 
    # Third hidden layer with SIGMOID activation 
    layer_3 = tf.matmul(layer_2, weights['h3']) 
    layer_3 = tf.nn.sigmoid(layer_3) 
    # Output layer with SIGMOID activation 
    out_layer = tf.matmul(layer_2, weights['out']) 
    return out_layer 

# Layer weights, should change them to see results 
weights = { 
    'h1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_input, n_hidden_1], dtype=np.float64)),  
    'h2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1, n_hidden_2], dtype=np.float64)), 
    'h3': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2, n_hidden_3],dtype=np.float64)), 
    'out': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2, 1], dtype=np.float64)) 

# Construct model 
pred = multilayer_perceptron(x, weights) 

# Define loss and optimizer 
cost = tf.nn.l2_loss(pred-y,name="squared_error_cost") 
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost) 

# Initializing the variables 
init = tf.initialize_all_variables() 

print("Model ready.") 

# Launch the graph 
with tf.Session() as sess: 

    print("Starting Training.") 

    # Training cycle 
    for epoch in range(training_epochs): 
     #avg_cost = 0. 
     # minibatch loading 
     minibatch_x = training_set[mini_batch_size*epoch:mini_batch_size*(epoch+1)] 
     minibatch_y = training_labels[mini_batch_size*epoch:mini_batch_size*(epoch+1)] 
     # Run optimization op (backprop) and cost op 
     _, c = sess.run([optimizer, cost], feed_dict={x: minibatch_x, y: minibatch_y}) 

     # Compute average loss 
     avg_cost = c/(minibatch_x.shape[0]) 

     # Display logs per epoch 
     if (epoch) % display_step == 0: 
     print("Epoch:", '%05d' % (epoch), "Training error=", "{:.9f}".format(avg_cost)) 

    print("Optimization Finished!") 

    # Test model 
    # Calculate accuracy 
    test_error = tf.nn.l2_loss(pred-y,name="squared_error_test_cost")/test_set.shape[0] 
    print("Test Error:", test_error.eval({x: test_set, y: test_labels})) 


python nn.py 
Importing dataset. 
Dataset ready. 
Creating model. 
Model ready. 
Starting Training. 
Epoch: 00000 Training error= 0.331874878 
Epoch: 00500 Training error= 0.121587482 
Epoch: 01000 Training error= 0.112870921 
Epoch: 01500 Training error= 0.110293652 
Epoch: 02000 Training error= 0.122655269 
Epoch: 02500 Training error= 0.124971940 
Epoch: 03000 Training error= 0.125407845 
Epoch: 03500 Training error= 0.131942481 
Epoch: 04000 Training error= 0.121696954 
Epoch: 04500 Training error= 0.116669835 
Epoch: 05000 Training error= 0.129558477 
Epoch: 05500 Training error= 0.122952110 
Epoch: 06000 Training error= 0.124655344 
Epoch: 06500 Training error= 0.119827300 
Epoch: 07000 Training error= 0.125183779 
Epoch: 07500 Training error= 0.156429254 
Epoch: 08000 Training error= 0.085632880 
Epoch: 08500 Training error= 0.133913128 
Epoch: 09000 Training error= 0.114762624 
Epoch: 09500 Training error= 0.115107805 
Optimization Finished! 
Test Error: 0.116647016708 


weights = { 
    'h1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_input, n_hidden_1], stddev=0, dtype=np.float64)),  
    'h2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1, n_hidden_2], stddev=0.01, dtype=np.float64)), 
    'h3': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2, n_hidden_3], stddev=0.01, dtype=np.float64)), 
    'out': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2, 1], dtype=np.float64)) 


Epoch: 00000 Training error= 0.107566668 
Epoch: 00500 Training error= 0.289380907 
Epoch: 01000 Training error= 0.339091784 
Epoch: 01500 Training error= 0.358559815 
Epoch: 02000 Training error= 0.122639698 
Epoch: 02500 Training error= 0.125160135 
Epoch: 03000 Training error= 0.126219718 
Epoch: 03500 Training error= 0.132500418 
Epoch: 04000 Training error= 0.121795254 
Epoch: 04500 Training error= 0.116499476 
Epoch: 05000 Training error= 0.124532673 
Epoch: 05500 Training error= 0.124484790 
Epoch: 06000 Training error= 0.118491177 
Epoch: 06500 Training error= 0.119977633 
Epoch: 07000 Training error= 0.127532511 
Epoch: 07500 Training error= 0.159053519 
Epoch: 08000 Training error= 0.083876224 
Epoch: 08500 Training error= 0.131488483 
Epoch: 09000 Training error= 0.123161189 
Epoch: 09500 Training error= 0.125011362 
Optimization Finished! 
Test Error: 0.129284643093 



'out': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_3, 1], dtype=np.float64)) 

out_layer = tf.matmul(layer_3, weights['out']) 



Epoch: 00000 Training error= 0.477673073 
Epoch: 00500 Training error= 0.121848744 
Epoch: 01000 Training error= 0.112854530 
Epoch: 01500 Training error= 0.110597624 
Epoch: 02000 Training error= 0.122603499 
Epoch: 02500 Training error= 0.125051472 
Epoch: 03000 Training error= 0.125400717 
Epoch: 03500 Training error= 0.131999354 
Epoch: 04000 Training error= 0.121850889 
Epoch: 04500 Training error= 0.116551533 
Epoch: 05000 Training error= 0.129749704 
Epoch: 05500 Training error= 0.124600464 
Epoch: 06000 Training error= 0.121600218 
Epoch: 06500 Training error= 0.121249676 
Epoch: 07000 Training error= 0.132656938 
Epoch: 07500 Training error= 0.161801757 
Epoch: 08000 Training error= 0.084197352 
Epoch: 08500 Training error= 0.132197409 
Epoch: 09000 Training error= 0.123249055 
Epoch: 09500 Training error= 0.126602369 
Optimization Finished! 
Test Error: 0.129230736355 

兩個更感謝史蒂芬 變化,使史蒂芬建議改變乙狀結腸激活功能與RELU,所以我試過了。同時,我注意到我沒有爲輸出節點設置激活函數,所以我也這樣做了(應該很容易看出我改變了什麼)。

Starting Training. 
Epoch: 00000 Training error= 293.245977809 
Epoch: 00500 Training error= 0.290000000 
Epoch: 01000 Training error= 0.340000000 
Epoch: 01500 Training error= 0.360000000 
Epoch: 02000 Training error= 0.285000000 
Epoch: 02500 Training error= 0.250000000 
Epoch: 03000 Training error= 0.245000000 
Epoch: 03500 Training error= 0.260000000 
Epoch: 04000 Training error= 0.290000000 
Epoch: 04500 Training error= 0.315000000 
Epoch: 05000 Training error= 0.285000000 
Epoch: 05500 Training error= 0.265000000 
Epoch: 06000 Training error= 0.340000000 
Epoch: 06500 Training error= 0.180000000 
Epoch: 07000 Training error= 0.370000000 
Epoch: 07500 Training error= 0.175000000 
Epoch: 08000 Training error= 0.105000000 
Epoch: 08500 Training error= 0.295000000 
Epoch: 09000 Training error= 0.280000000 
Epoch: 09500 Training error= 0.285000000 
Optimization Finished! 
Test Error: 0.220196439287 


Epoch: 00000 Training error= 0.110878121 
Epoch: 00500 Training error= 0.119393080 
Epoch: 01000 Training error= 0.109229532 
Epoch: 01500 Training error= 0.100436962 
Epoch: 02000 Training error= 0.113160662 
Epoch: 02500 Training error= 0.114200962 
Epoch: 03000 Training error= 0.109777990 
Epoch: 03500 Training error= 0.108218725 
Epoch: 04000 Training error= 0.103001394 
Epoch: 04500 Training error= 0.084145737 
Epoch: 05000 Training error= 0.119173495 
Epoch: 05500 Training error= 0.095796251 
Epoch: 06000 Training error= 0.093336573 
Epoch: 06500 Training error= 0.085062860 
Epoch: 07000 Training error= 0.104251661 
Epoch: 07500 Training error= 0.105910949 
Epoch: 08000 Training error= 0.090347288 
Epoch: 08500 Training error= 0.124480612 
Epoch: 09000 Training error= 0.109250224 
Epoch: 09500 Training error= 0.100245836 
Optimization Finished! 
Test Error: 0.110234139674 

我發現這些數字很奇怪,在第一種情況下,它是停留在一個較高成本比乙狀結腸,儘管乙狀結腸應該很早就飽和。在第二種情況下,它從幾乎是最後一個的訓練錯誤開始......所以它基本上與一個小批量收斂。我開始認爲我沒有在這一行中正確計算成本: avg_cost = c /(minibatch_x。形狀[0])


您是否嘗試將您的行'cost = tf.nn.l2_loss(pred-y,name =「squared_error_cost」)'改爲'cost = tf.nn.square(tf.sub(pred,y))? – Kashyap


您可以在培訓過程中打印準確度(正確分類樣本的百分比)嗎? –


@Kashyap:打印成本時,我得到一個「非空格式字符串傳遞給object .__ format__」錯誤,而且我似乎無法解決這個問題。 – Darkobra




  1. 你可能會飽和乙狀結腸單位(如MMN提到的)我會建議嘗試RELU單位來代替。




  • 您的模型可能沒有足夠的表現力真正瞭解你的數據。即它需要更深入。
  • 您也可以嘗試不同的優化像亞當()這樣
  • 取代:

    optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost) 


    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(cost) 


    1. 您應該添加偏置項到您的權重


    biases = { 
    'b1': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_1], dtype=np.float64)),  
    'b2': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_2], dtype=np.float64)), 
    'b3': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_3],dtype=np.float64)), 
    'bout': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1], dtype=np.float64)) 
    def multilayer_perceptron(x, weights): 
        # First hidden layer with SIGMOID activation 
        layer_1 = tf.matmul(x, weights['h1']) + biases['b1'] 
        layer_1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(layer_1) 
        # Second hidden layer with SIGMOID activation 
        layer_2 = tf.matmul(layer_1, weights['h2']) + biases['b2'] 
        layer_2 = tf.nn.sigmoid(layer_2) 
        # Third hidden layer with SIGMOID activation 
        layer_3 = tf.matmul(layer_2, weights['h3']) + biases['b3'] 
        layer_3 = tf.nn.sigmoid(layer_3) 
        # Output layer with SIGMOID activation 
        out_layer = tf.matmul(layer_2, weights['out']) + biases['bout'] 
        return out_layer 
  • ,你可以隨着時間的推移更新學習率
  • 像這樣:

    learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(INITIAL_LEARNING_RATE, 

    你只需要定義dec ay步驟即何時衰減和LEARNING_RATE_DECAY_FACTOR即衰減多少。


    我已經用你的建議編輯了答案。注意到: 1. relu給出非常奇怪的值,你可以在編輯問題時閱讀它。 2.我將模型做得更深一些,因爲之前有2個隱藏層,由於我的錯誤,現在它有3個隱藏層。 3.我真的不能使用Adam優化器,因爲它會違揹我的任務的目的,這是爲了發揮學習速度和一些初始化參數。 您是否認爲我在每次mini_batch之後都正確計算成本? – Darkobra


    有不同的成本函數,所以它真的取決於你的任務。我無法真正回答這個問題,因爲如果不知道這個任務是說l2損失是正確的還是交叉熵或其他東西。你正在使用l2丟失。 – Steven


    另一個簡單的事情是「明顯的」,但有時不被注意,確保您的標籤符合正確的訓練輸入。 – Steven





    看起來這 00000 Tr的ERR = 0.107566 00500 Tr的ERR = 0.289380 01000 Tr的ERR = 0.339091 01500 Tr的ERR = 0.358559 02000 Tr的ERR = 0.122639 02500 Tr的ERR = 0.125160 03000 Tr的ERR = 0.126219 03500 Tr的ERR = 0.132500 04000 Tr的ERR = 0.121795 04500 Tr的ERR = 0.116499 05000 Tr的ERR = 0.124532 05500 Tr的ERR = 0.124484 06000 Tr的ERR = 0.118491 06500 Tr的ERR = 0.119977 07000 Tr的ERR = 0.127532 07500 Tr的ERR = 0.159053 08000 Tr err = 0.083876 08500 Tr的ERR = 0.131488 09000 Tr的ERR = 0.123161 09500 Tr的ERR = 0.125011 特錯誤:0.129284643 – Darkobra


    嗯,不能以意見給予適當的形狀,但我可以告訴你,這並沒有解決我的問題。 – Darkobra


    嗯,也許這是最好的你將得到一個雙層網絡?你的意思是不使用h3嗎? – MMN







    嘿Pramod,謝謝你的回覆。我正在閱讀你提到的這個成本函數,但是描述表明它最適合於標籤不相互排斥的地方 - 但在我的模型中它們是。我現在在TensorBoard的幫助下調整我的網絡,我一定會努力讓自己的網絡更加複雜。 – Darkobra


    按照問題「我有一個非常大的數據集(大約1,5 * 10^6個例子),每個都有一個二進制(0/1)標籤」。它是二元類分類,每個實例都是真(1)或假(0)。你相互排斥是什麼意思?我無法得到它。 –


    我想你是在談論這個問題「衡量離散分類任務中的概率錯誤,其中每個類都是獨立的,而不是相互排斥的。」我認爲根據你的描述你的標籤不是相互排斥和獨立的。看看這個:http://stats.stackexchange。com/questions/107768 /多重標籤與多種分類之間的差異 –