last_value(a) over(
partition by id
order by touchedwhen desc
rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as a
的最後一個值是not null
。我能想出的唯一事情是由四部分組成加入,每個子查詢a, b, c, d
select ids.id
, a.a
, b.b
, c.c
, d.d
, ids.tw
from (
select id
, max(touchedwhen) as tw
from YourTable
group by
) ids
left join
select row_number() over (
partition by id
order by touchedwhen desc) rn
, a
, id
from YourTable
where a is not null
) a
on a.id = ids.id
and a.rn = 1
left join
select row_number() over (
partition by id
order by touchedwhen desc) rn
, b
, id
from YourTable
where b is not null
) b
on b.id = ids.id
and b.rn = 1
left join
select row_number() over (
partition by id
order by touchedwhen desc) rn
, c
, id
from YourTable
where c is not null
) c
on c.id = ids.id
and c.rn = 1
left join
select row_number() over (
partition by id
order by touchedwhen desc) rn
, d
, id
from YourTable
where d is not null
) d
on d.id = ids.id
and d.rn = 1
你希望用相同的ID超過2行? – user1455836