2016-04-03 141 views

我有和arduino草圖需要使用TimeAlarms.h庫按照定時計劃執行幾個操作。然而,其中一項操作是通過中斷讀取霍爾傳感器,似乎與TimeAlarms庫的交互性很差。 我使用TimeAlarms庫從這裏:http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_TimeAlarms.html 而從這裏適應霍爾傳感器腳本: http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/G3/4_Water_Flow_sensorArduino中斷干擾TimeAlarms.h


運行下面的代碼只輸出enter CF,然後掛起。如果您嘗試使用DelayAlarm TimeAlarm版本的check_flow_alarm_delay函數,則會發生同樣的情況。

但是,如果您在設置 和Alarm.delay(0);環路中註釋掉Alarm.timerRepeat(10, showseconds);,則霍爾傳感器正常工作。


注意:您應該可以在沒有霍爾傳感器的情況下運行代碼,輸出僅爲0 L/hr。

// reading liquid flow rate using Seeeduino and Water Flow Sensor from Seeedstudio.com 
// Code adapted by Charles Gantt from PC Fan RPM code written by Crenn @thebestcasescenario.com 
// http:/themakersworkbench.com http://thebestcasescenario.com http://seeedstudio.com 

#include <Time.h> 
#include <TimeAlarms.h> 
#include <Wire.h> 

volatile int NbTopsFan; //measuring the rising edges of the signal 
int Calc;        
int hallsensor = 2; //The pin location of the sensor 

void rpm()  //This is the function that the interupt calls 
    NbTopsFan++; //This function measures the rising and falling edge of the hall effect sensors signal 

void setup() // 
    Serial.begin(9600); //This is the setup function where the serial port is initialised, 

    pinMode(hallsensor, INPUT); //initializes digital pin 2 as an input 
    attachInterrupt(0, rpm, RISING); //and the interrupt is attached 

    Alarm.timerRepeat(10, showseconds); 


void loop()  
// Serial.println(second()); 

// stalls at enter CF 
// check_flow(); 

// stalls at enter CF 


void showseconds() 

void check_flow() 
    Serial.println("enter CF"); 
    int Calc;  
    NbTopsFan = 0; //Set NbTops to 0 ready for calculations 
// sei();  //Enables interrupts 
    delay(1000); //Wait 1 second 
// cli();  //Disable interrupts 
    Calc = (NbTopsFan * 60/5.5); //(Pulse frequency x 60)/5.5Q, = flow rate in L/hour 

    Serial.print (Calc, DEC); //Prints the number calculated above 
    Serial.print (" L/hour\r\n"); //Prints "L/hour" and returns a new line 

void check_flow_alarm_delay() 
    Serial.println("enter CFAD"); 
    int Calc;  
    NbTopsFan = 0; //Set NbTops to 0 ready for calculations 
// sei();  //Enables interrupts 
    Alarm.delay(1000); //Wait 1 second 
// cli();  //Disable interrupts 
    Calc = (NbTopsFan * 60/5.5); //(Pulse frequency x 60)/5.5Q, = flow rate in L/hour 

    Serial.print (Calc, DEC); //Prints the number calculated above 
    Serial.print (" L/hour\r\n"); //Prints "L/hour" and returns a new line 





這似乎是你的問題。你可能不得不重寫你的代碼而不使用中斷。在http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36382676/arduino-uno-r3-input-pins-with-gsm-shield/36392173上查看我的回覆(附帶示例代碼) –