我正在將Xbox Kinect中的視頻源從客戶端程序發送到服務器。我有一切工作,但問題是幀率。我在想,它發送的信息比它能讀取的要快。所以當它不能發送時,它會存儲它將發送的內容,並等待緩衝區中有空間。我認爲這是發生的原因是因爲我可以看到該程序的內存使用情況穩步增長。另外,因爲當我觀看視頻播放時,我會在10秒前看到發生的所有事情,並且播放速度較慢,但不會跳過任何幀。所以我所做的是將幀速率降低到5 fps,當我這樣做的時候它是穩定的。但這不是最好的辦法。我想要做的是,當緩衝區已滿時,跳過該幀並等待緩衝區上有空間發送幀。這聽起來像是可能是問題,如果是的話,我應該如何解決它?謝謝。C#通過NetworkStream/TCPClient流式傳輸視頻
private const int constChunkSize = 4096;
private const int constIntSize = 4;
protected TcpClient tcpObject;
protected NetworkStream tcpStream;
private void HandleComm()
tcpStream = tcpObject.GetStream();
byte[] totalByteAray = new byte[constIntSize];
byte[] message = new byte[constChunkSize];
byte[] fullMessage = new byte[0];
//this is how many bytes long the message will be
int totalBytes = 0;
int currentBytes = 0;
int chunkSize = constChunkSize;
int bytesRead = 0;
pingThread = new Thread(sendPing);
while (true)
//skip reading if no data is available
//DataAvailable does not tell you when all the data has arrived
//it just tell you if some data has arrived
if (tcpStream.CanRead)
totalBytes = 0;
currentBytes = 0;
message = new byte[constChunkSize];
chunkSize = constChunkSize;
bytesRead = 0;
//The first 4 bytes of the message will always contain the length of the message, not including
//the first 4 bytes. This is how you know when to stop reading.
bytesRead = tcpStream.Read(totalByteAray, 0, constIntSize);
if (bytesRead == 0)
//there are 4 bytes in a 32 bit number, so totalByteArrayContains 4 index that is a byte which is
//the 32 bit int that tells us how many bytes the whole message will be.
//now convert the totalByteArray to a 32bit int
totalBytes = BitConverter.ToInt32(totalByteAray, 0);
//fullMessage will contain the entire message but it has to be built message by message.
fullMessage = new byte[totalBytes];
//keep reading until we get all the data
while (currentBytes < totalBytes)
//when you send something over TCP it will some times get split up
//this is why you only read in chuncks, 4096 is a safe amount of bytes
//to split the data into.
if (totalBytes - currentBytes < constChunkSize)
chunkSize = totalBytes - currentBytes;
message = new byte[chunkSize];
bytesRead = tcpStream.Read(message, 0, chunkSize);
if (bytesRead == 0)
//since we know each chunk will always come in at 4096 bytes if it doesn't that means that it's the end
//this part cuts off the extra empty bytes
//copy the message to fullMessage starting at current bytes and ending with the bytes left
message.CopyTo(fullMessage, currentBytes);
currentBytes += bytesRead;
//message has successfully been received
if (totalBytes != 0)
//if the message was a ping handle it here to reduce the size of the packet
if (fullMessage.Length == 1 && (fullMessage[0] == 0 || fullMessage[0] == 255))
//if the message matches your ping byte, then it's yours
if (fullMessage[0] == pingByte[0])
lastReceivedPing = DateTime.Now;
latency = (lastReceivedPing - lastSentPing).TotalMilliseconds;
if (OnPingReceived != null)
PingReceivedArgs args = new PingReceivedArgs();
args.receivedTime = lastReceivedPing;
args.latency = latency;
OnPingReceived(this, args);
//if it doesn't then send it off
//if it's anything else pass it on
if (OnRawDataReceived != null)
RawDataReceivedArgs args = new RawDataReceivedArgs();
args.Data = new byte[fullMessage.Length];
fullMessage.CopyTo(args.Data, 0);
OnRawDataReceived(this, args);
totalBytes = 0;
protected void sendData(byte[] data)
//we need to know how big the data that we are sending will be
int length = data.Length;
//convert the 32bit int to a 4 byte array
byte[] lengthArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(length);
//init the main byte array that will be sent over
byte[] buffer = new byte[length + constIntSize];
//the first 4 bytes will contain the length of the data
lengthArray.CopyTo(buffer, 0);
//the rest of the buffer will contain the data being sent
data.CopyTo(buffer, constIntSize);
tcpStream.BeginWrite(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(sendingData), tcpStream);
你能解釋一次發送一幀的含義嗎?你介意發佈代碼嗎? – 2012-09-27 11:29:02