2014-12-03 76 views



public class Vector<T> where T: ISize, new() 
    static readonly T size = new T(); 
    List<double> values; 

    public Vector(List<double> values) 
     if (values.Count != size.Size) 
      throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); 

     this.values = new List<double>(values); 

    public double Get(int index) 
     return values[index]; 

    public Vector<T> Add(Vector<T> other) 
     var vv = new List<double>(); 

     for (int ii = 0; ii < size.Size; ++ii) 
      vv.Add(other.Get(ii) + this.values[ii]); 

     return new Vector<T>(vv); 

public interface ISize 
    int Size { get; } 

public class S1 : ISize 
    public int Size 
     get { return 1; } 

public class S2 : ISize 
    public int Size 
     get { return 2; } 


class Program 
    static void Main(string[] args) 
     var v1 = new Vector<S2>(new List<double>() { 1, 2 }); 
     var v2 = new Vector<S2>(new List<double>() { 10, -4 }); 
     var z1 = new Vector<S1>(new List<double>() { 10 }); 

     // works 
     var v3 = v1.Add(v2); 

     // complie-time error 
     var z2 = z1.Add(v1); 



沒有C++等價於「非類型模板參數」,我不認爲這是可能的。 – 2014-12-03 21:35:22



爲了獲得編譯時錯誤,您需要具有不同的類型。 C#沒有一個概念讓我們定義一個類型參數,它本身帶有一種值參數 - 這是你需要做的。


我認爲可能有一種方法可以爲使用匿名類型的矢量實例族創建獨特類型,但這會變得古怪,我認爲它不會提供您想要的類型安全。 C++在模板中有這樣的概念(所以這不是不合理的),在C#中是不可能的。



public interface IVector 
    double Value { get; } 
    IVector Tail { get; } 
public class Vector<T> : IVector 
    where T : IVector 
    internal Vector(double value, T tail) 
     Value = value; 
     Tail = tail; 

    public double Value { get; private set; } 
    public T Tail { get; private set; } 

    public Vector<Vector<T>> Add(double value) 
     return new Vector<Vector<T>>(value, this); 
internal class EmptyVector : IVector 
    public double Value 
     get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } 

    public IVector Tail 
     get { return null; } 

public static class Vector 
    public static readonly Vector<IVector> Empty = new Vector<IVector>(
     0, new EmptyVector()); 
    public static IEnumerable<double> AllValues(this IVector vector) 
     IVector current = vector; 
     while (current != Vector.Empty && current != null) 
      yield return current.Value; 
      current = current.Tail; 


var v1 = Vector.Empty.Add(1).Add(2); 
var v2 = Vector.Empty.Add(10).Add(-4); 
var z1 = Vector.Empty.Add(10); 

v1 = v2;//works, as they are the same type 
z1 = v2;//fails, as they aren't the same type, since they're a different size 


public static void Foo(Vector<Vector<Vector<IVector>>> vector) 
    var first = vector.Value; 
    var second = vector.Tail.Value; 
    var third = vector.Tail.Tail.Value; 