2013-11-20 91 views

我有一個分配訪問值,需要以下內容:爲行和列C++ - 在動態數組


- 創建2-d陣列一個名爲find_greatest_product的函數來查找數組中四個相鄰 數字的最大乘積。四個相鄰的數字可以是陣列中游戲「俄羅斯方塊」中發現的形狀 的任何配置。您的功能需要返回最大產品,使用結構開始 位置,形狀和四個數字的方向。



struct shape { 
    int highest; 
    int factors[4]; 
    int startRow; 
    int startColumn; 
} tShape, sShape, iShape, boxShape; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 

    if(argc == 5) { 
      for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { 
      rows = getArg(argc, argv, i, compare1); 
      for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { 
      columns = getArg(argc, argv, i, compare2); 

    int ** array = new int*[rows]; 

    int i, j; 
    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { 
      array[i] = new int[columns]; 

    create_array(array, rows, columns); 

    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) { 
        cout << array[i][j]; 
        cout << " "; 
    cout << endl; 

    boxProduct(array, rows, columns, boxShape); 

    cout << boxShape.highest << endl; 

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { 
      cout << boxShape.factors[i]; 
      cout << " "; 
    cout << endl; 

    return 0; 

void boxProduct(int *array[], int rows, int columns, shape boxShape) { 

    int highest = 0; 
    int product = 0; 

    for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; i++) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < columns - 1; j++) { 
        product = (array[i][j]*array[i][j+1]*array[i+1][j]*array[i+1][j+1]); 
        if (product > highest) { 
          boxShape.highest = product; 
          boxShape.factors[0] = array[i][j]; 
          boxShape.factors[1] = array[i][j+1]; 
          boxShape.factors[2] = array[i+1][j]; 
          boxShape.factors[3] = array[i+1][j+1]; 


27 86 4 41 44 
17 6 5 40 32 
42 58 14 95 53 
8 28 95 27 91 
63 22 27 49 2 
38 37 39 37 76 
9 17 14 13 10 
10 30 16 67 22 
49 10 33 63 5 
86 71 86 34 50 
0 <- product 
0 0 0 0 <- the four factors 

您正在修改boxProduct函數中'shape boxShape'的副本,因此看不到更改 – doctorlove





void foo(int x) 
    x++; // increments foo's own local copy of 'x' 

int main() 
    i = 42; 
    cout << i << endl; // prints 42 
    cout << i << endl; // ALSO prints 42! 

    return 0; 


如果稍微修改代碼,則告訴C++編譯器通過引用傳遞參數。 (注意:這是一個C++只是特徵;它不C.工作)現在,任何修改函數內部的參數將修改值呼叫者認爲也:

void foo(int& x) // The & means "pass this parameter by reference" 

int main() 
    i = 42; 
    cout << i << endl; // prints 42 
    cout << i << endl; // prints 43 

    return 0; 


void foo(int* x) // x is now a pointer to integer 
    (*x)++; // The (*x) dereferences the pointer. What happens if you leave off the parens? 

int main() 
    i = 42; 
    cout << i << endl; // prints 42 
    foo(&i);   // the & there takes the address of 'i' and passes that to foo() 
    cout << i << endl; // prints 43 

    return 0; 


Punchline:你會想將這些知識應用到你的shape boxShape結構上面。您要麼通過引用傳遞shape boxShape,要麼傳遞一個指向shape boxShape的指針。這兩種方法都是有效的方法,儘管C++傾向於通過引用。