2012-09-03 33 views


class A(object): 
    def __init__(self, foo): 
     self.foo = foo 

class B(object): 
    def __init__(self, foo): 
     self.foo = foo 

    def rename(self, new_name): 
     self.foo.name = new_name 

class Foo(object): 
    def __init__(self, name): 
     self.name = name 

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    foo = Foo('Fooname') 
    print 'A foo instance is born and baptized as %s' % foo.name 
    ainstance = A(foo) 
    print 'The foo instance is then passed to A and is still called %s' % foo.name 
    binstance = B(foo) 
    print 'But then the foo instance is passed to B' 
    binstance.foo.name = 'Barname' 
    print 'And in B it is renamed to %s' % foo.name 


A foo instance is born and baptized as Fooname 
The foo instance is then passed to A and is still called Fooname 
But then the foo instance is passed to B 
And in B it is renamed to Barname 



也很難保護您免於斷開計算機並將其扔出最近的窗口。 – unwind


你提到'foo._name',那是一個下劃線前綴。這並不完美,但是您是否嘗試過使用兩個下劃線作爲前綴? 'foo .__ name' – cdarke


嗨cdarke,這是故意的。我相信這是Python世界中的一種常見做法,它具有雙下劃線的好處,而不會改變名稱並添加對類名稱的依賴關係。 – Lorenzo




class Foo(object): 
    def __init__(self, name): 
     self.name = name 

    def __setattr__(self, attrname, value): 
     print "Intercepted: " + attrname + " attribute of Foo set to " + value 
     super(Foo, self).__setattr__(attrname, value) 



class Foo(object): 
    def __init__(self, name): 
     self.__name = name 

    def getname(self): 
     return self.__name 

    def setname(self, name): 
     print "Intercepted: name attribute of Foo set to " + name 
     self.__name = name 

    name = property(getname, setname) 



我覺得'object .__ setattr __(self,name,value)'比'self .__ dict __ [name] = value'更具慣用意義。 – mgilson


@mgilson:同意並更改 - 謝謝! – RichieHindle


更好的是:使用'super(Foo,self).__ setattr __(attrname,value)',並且在與其他基類重寫'__setattr__'的子類一起使用時玩得很好。 –