2015-12-29 33 views

我正在嘗試使用高圖的npm版本繪製高圖表的氣泡圖,但是出現錯誤#17,我已經嘗試導入highcharts-more ,但它沒有工作...通過使用npm highcharts繪製氣泡圖,出現錯誤#17


import $ from "jquery"; 
import _ from "underscore"; 
import Logger from 'js-logger'; 
import Marionette from 'backbone.marionette'; 
import Highcharts from 'Highcharts'; 
import 'Highcharts/highcharts-more'; 


settings = { 
      chart: { 
       type: 'bubble', 
       plotBorderWidth: 1, 
       zoomType: 'xy' 
      legend: { 
       enabled: false 
      title: { 
       text: 'Sugar and fat intake per country' 
      subtitle: { 
       text: 'Source: <a href="http://www.euromonitor.com/">Euromonitor</a> and <a href="https://data.oecd.org/">OECD</a>' 
      xAxis: { 
       gridLineWidth: 1, 
       title: { 
        text: 'Daily fat intake' 
       labels: { 
        format: '{value} gr' 
       plotLines: [{ 
        color: 'black', 
        dashStyle: 'dot', 
        width: 2, 
        value: 65, 
        label: { 
         rotation: 0, 
         y: 15, 
         style: { 
          fontStyle: 'italic' 
         text: 'Safe fat intake 65g/day' 
        zIndex: 3 
      yAxis: { 
       startOnTick: false, 
       endOnTick: false, 
       title: { 
        text: 'Daily sugar intake' 
       labels: { 
        format: '{value} gr' 
       maxPadding: 0.2, 
       plotLines: [{ 
        color: 'black', 
        dashStyle: 'dot', 
        width: 2, 
        value: 50, 
        label: { 
         align: 'right', 
         style: { 
          fontStyle: 'italic' 
         text: 'Safe sugar intake 50g/day', 
         x: -10 
        zIndex: 3 
      tooltip: { 
       useHTML: true, 
       headerFormat: '<table>', 
       pointFormat: '<tr><th colspan="2"><h3>{point.country}</h3></th></tr>' + 
        '<tr><th>Fat intake:</th><td>{point.x}g</td></tr>' + 
        '<tr><th>Sugar intake:</th><td>{point.y}g</td></tr>' + 
        '<tr><th>Obesity (adults):</th><td>{point.z}%</td></tr>', 
       footerFormat: '</table>', 
       followPointer: true 
      plotOptions: { 
       series: { 
        dataLabels: { 
         enabled: true, 
         format: '{point.name}' 
      series: [{ 
       data: [{ 
        x: 95, 
        y: 95, 
        z: 13.8, 
        name: 'BE', 
        country: 'Belgium' 
       }, { 
        x: 86.5, 
        y: 102.9, 
        z: 14.7, 
        name: 'DE', 
        country: 'Germany' 
       }, { 
        x: 80.8, 
        y: 91.5, 
        z: 15.8, 
        name: 'FI', 
        country: 'Finland' 
       }, { 
        x: 80.4, 
        y: 102.5, 
        z: 12, 
        name: 'NL', 
        country: 'Netherlands' 
       }, { 
        x: 80.3, 
        y: 86.1, 
        z: 11.8, 
        name: 'SE', 
        country: 'Sweden' 
       }, { 
        x: 78.4, 
        y: 70.1, 
        z: 16.6, 
        name: 'ES', 
        country: 'Spain' 
       }, { 
        x: 74.2, 
        y: 68.5, 
        z: 14.5, 
        name: 'FR', 
        country: 'France' 
       }, { 
        x: 73.5, 
        y: 83.1, 
        z: 10, 
        name: 'NO', 
        country: 'Norway' 
       }, { 
        x: 71, 
        y: 93.2, 
        z: 24.7, 
        name: 'UK', 
        country: 'United Kingdom' 
       }, { 
        x: 69.2, 
        y: 57.6, 
        z: 10.4, 
        name: 'IT', 
        country: 'Italy' 
       }, { 
        x: 68.6, 
        y: 20, 
        z: 16, 
        name: 'RU', 
        country: 'Russia' 
       }, { 
        x: 65.5, 
        y: 126.4, 
        z: 35.3, 
        name: 'US', 
        country: 'United States' 
       }, { 
        x: 65.4, 
        y: 50.8, 
        z: 28.5, 
        name: 'HU', 
        country: 'Hungary' 
       }, { 
        x: 63.4, 
        y: 51.8, 
        z: 15.4, 
        name: 'PT', 
        country: 'Portugal' 
       }, { 
        x: 64, 
        y: 82.9, 
        z: 31.3, 
        name: 'NZ', 
        country: 'New Zealand' 


let settings = this.bubbleChartSetting(); 
setTimeout(() => { 
    Highcharts.chart('container', settings); 
}, 1); 


highcharts.js:8 Uncaught Error: Highcharts error #17: www.highcharts.com/errors/17 

給出見本https://github.com/highcharts/highcharts/issues/3616 –


它工作時,我畫一個餅圖,萬物的罰款。當我畫一個氣泡圖時,錯誤顯示 – Lezon


因爲氣泡圖需要高圖 - 更多的圖像庫不能被NPM正確加載 –





import $ from "jquery"; 
import _ from "underscore"; 
import Logger from 'js-logger'; 
import Marionette from 'backbone.marionette'; 
import Highcharts from 'Highcharts'; 


非常感謝!你救了我的生命! :-D – Stephane