2014-05-18 59 views

我正在試着做一個小型的賽車遊戲的樂趣。到目前爲止,我有兩個成功移動的矩形,並且我有一個地圖設置讓他們參與比賽。 我的地圖也是由矩形組成的。現在,我之前犯了一個錯誤,沒有給我的兩位選手一個特定的客觀名稱。所以他們只是兩個移動的地點。現在我想要做的是,使矩形牆實際上是牆壁,所以他們不只是通過它們。我聽說如果我把牆變成數組(不知道怎麼做),我可以掩蓋我的錯誤,所以他們不會通過它們。它是否正確?有沒有其他方法可以做到這一點? 這裏是如何看起來像至今: enter image description here如何在x和y位置進入另一個位置時執行動作?

謝謝你,這裏是我的代碼。 頭等艙是框架和黑色矩形的信息。 第二課是藍色矩形和牆壁的信息。


import java.awt.BorderLayout; 
import java.awt.Color; 
import java.awt.Dimension; 
import java.awt.Graphics; 
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 
import java.awt.event.ActionListener; 
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; 
import java.awt.event.KeyListener; 
import javax.swing.JFrame; 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 
import javax.swing.Timer; 

public class MyGame extends JPanel implements ActionListener, KeyListener { 
    Timer t = new Timer(5, this); 
    int x = 0, y = 0, velx =0, vely =0, g = 0; 
    private Color color; 

    public MyGame() { 

    public Dimension getPreferredSize() { 
     return new Dimension(1300, 750); 

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { 
     g.fillRect(x, y, 50, 30); 


    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
     if (x < 0) //stops us from going backwards past x = 0 
      velx = 0; 
      x = 0; 

     if (y < 0) //stops us from going to the sky 
      vely = 0; 
      y = 0; 

     if (y > 725) // stops us from going through the ground 
      vely = 0; 
      y = 725; 
     if (x > 1250) // stops us from going through the wall 
      velx = 0; 
      x = 1250; 

     x += velx; 
     y += vely; 

    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { 
     int code = e.getKeyCode(); 

      if (code == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) { 
       vely = 2; // removing velx = 0 allows us to go vertically and horizontlly at the same time 
       velx = 0; 
      if (code == KeyEvent.VK_UP) { 
       vely = -2; // same goes for here 
       velx = 0; 
      if (code == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) { 
       vely = 0; 
       velx = -2; 

       if (code == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) { 
        vely = 0; 
        velx = 2; 


    public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { 

    public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { 


    public static void main (String arge[]){ 

     JFrame frame = new JFrame("Testing"); 
     frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 
     frame.add(new Incoming());   



import java.awt.Color; 
import java.awt.Graphics; 
import java.awt.Rectangle; 
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 
import java.awt.event.ActionListener; 
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; 
import java.awt.event.KeyListener; 
import javax.swing.JFrame; 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 
import javax.swing.Timer; 

public class Incoming extends MyGame { 

private Color color; 

int x = 0, y = 0; 
int velx = 0, vely = 0; 

public Incoming() { 
    color = Color.BLUE; 
    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); 


public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { 

    g.fillRect(x, y, 50, 30); 


    g.drawRect(0, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(80, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(160, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(240, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(320, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(400, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(480, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(560, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(640, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(720, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(800, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(880, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(960, 100, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(1040, 100, 80, 30); 

    g.drawRect(1040, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(1120, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(1200, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(960, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(880, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(800, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(720, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(640, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(560, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(480, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(400, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(320, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(240, 250, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(160, 250, 80, 30); 

    g.drawRect(1040, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(960, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(880, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(800, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(720, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(640, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(560, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(480, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(400, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(320, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(240, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(160, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(80, 400, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(0, 400, 80, 30); 

    g.drawRect(1040, 550, 80, 30);  
    g.drawRect(1120, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(1200, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(960, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(880, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(800, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(720, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(640, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(560, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(480, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(400, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(320, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(240, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(160, 550, 80, 30); 

    g.drawRect(1040, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(960, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(880, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(800, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(720, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(640, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(560, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(480, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(400, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(320, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(240, 550, 80, 30); 
    g.drawRect(160, 550, 80, 30); 


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
    if (x < 0) //stops us from going backwards past x = 0 
     velx = 0; 
     x = 0; 

    if (y < 0) //stops us from going to the sky 
     vely = 0; 
     y = 0; 

    if (y > 725) // stops us from going through the ground 
     vely = 0; 
     y = 725; 

    if (x > 1250) // stops us from going through the wall 
     velx = 0; 
     x = 1250; 

    if (y < 0.1)   

     y = 50; 

    x += velx; 
    y += vely; 

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { 
    int code = e.getKeyCode(); 

     if (code == KeyEvent.VK_S) { 
      vely = 2; // removing velx = 0 allows us to go vertically and horizontlly at the same time 
      velx = 0; 
     if (code == KeyEvent.VK_W) { 
      vely = -2; // same goes for here 
      velx = 0; 
     if (code == KeyEvent.VK_A) { 
      vely = 0; 
      velx = -2; 

      if (code == KeyEvent.VK_D) { 
       vely = 0; 
       velx = 2; 


public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { 


希望它不會讓你失望或者太過氣餒:代碼有太多「不正確」,很難給出一個適合問答網站的答案。你可以從創建一個'List '開始,然後用這個對應於所有這些'drawRect'調用的矩形填充這個列表。這個列表可以用來代替'drawRect'調用(你可以用循環迭代列表,併爲列表中的每個元素調用'drawRect'),之後它可以用於碰撞檢測,使用' if(rectangle.intersects(playerRectangle))'。然後,你可以寫更多的焦點問題。 – Marco13


我會如何列出矩形?你能不能更具體一點? – BasicProgrammer


'List rectangles = new ArrayList ()',then'rectangles.add(new Rectangle(0,100,80,30));'。 (這些矩形也可以在循環中創建*最後爲每一行)。但這些都是基礎知識,不確定是否適合在這裏解釋*這樣的事情...... – Marco13
