SQL> declare
2 type l_rec_type is record(
3 r_ReqIDs varchar2(31),
4 r_ItemIDs varchar2(31),
5 r_Qtys varchar2(31)
6 );
8 type l_rec_list is table of l_rec_type;
9 -- your parameters.
10 l_ReqIDs constant varchar2(31) := '56;56;56;';
11 l_ItemIDs constant varchar2(31) := '3;2;1;';
12 l_Qtys constant varchar2(31) := '400;300;200;';
14 l_rec l_rec_list;
15 begin
17 with Parameters(param) as(
18 select l_ReqIDs from dual union all
19 select l_ItemIDs from dual union all
20 select l_Qtys from dual
21 ),
22 Occurrences(oc) as(
23 select level
24 from (select max(regexp_count(param, '[^;]+')) moc
25 from parameters) s
26 connect by level <= s.moc
27 )
28 select max(res1)
29 , max(res2)
30 , max(res3)
31 bulk collect into l_rec
32 from (select decode(param, l_ReqIDs, res) res1
33 , decode(param, l_ItemIDs,res) res2
34 , decode(param, l_Qtys, res) res3
35 , rn
36 from (select param, regexp_substr(param, '[^;]+', 1, o.oc) res
37 , row_number() over(partition by param order by param) rn
38 from parameters p
39 cross join occurrences o
40 )
41 )
42 group by rn;
44 for i in l_rec.first..l_rec.last
45 loop
46 dbms_output.put_line(l_rec(i).r_ReqIDs || ' ' || l_rec(i).r_ItemIDs || ' ' || l_rec(i).r_Qtys);
47 end loop;
48 end;
56 2 200
56 1 300
56 3 400
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
如果您只是需要處理的數據插入表中的唯一insert into
聲明和查詢,將需要(bulk collect into l_rec
insert into your_table(<<columns>>)
with Parameters(param) as(
select l_ReqIDs from dual union all
select l_ItemIDs from dual union all
select l_Qtys from dual
-- the rest of the query from the above pl/sql block.
for i in l_rec.first..l_rec.last
insert into your_table
values l_rec(i);
end loop;
for i in l_rec.first..l_rec.last
insert into (select column1, .. ,columnn from your_table)
values l_rec(i);
end loop;
是的,更短。如果第二個或第三個等參數具有更多元素,則只需在「連接by」子句中添加「OR」條件即可。否則,你可能會失去有價值的信息:) –
尼古拉斯在我的情況下,它永遠不會發生,因爲我拉相同的REQ_ID的詳細記錄,並傳遞給.NET的Web服務的甲骨文。所以所有的列都會有相同的值總是:) – user342944