2012-09-10 71 views


Did you do any of the following activities during your PhD 

          Yes, paid by my school. Yes, paid by me. No. 

Attended an internationl conference? 
Bought textbooks? 


id conf.1 conf.2 conf.3 text.1 text.2 text.3 

1 1        1 
2   1    1 
3     1  1 
4     1     1 



id new.conf new.text 

1 1  2 
2 2  1 
3 3  1 
4 3  3 

where the number now respresents the categories of the survey question 

Thanks for your help 

我找到了答案http://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/gargyrous/extra_chapters/SPSSMultipleResponseCommand.pdf –



我不知道你給多說明迴應集(你在你的問題的評論中你link to)真的是你想要的。在本例中,您根本不需要重新整理數據,只需使用簡單的DO REPEAT命令即可使您的new.confnew.text變量足夠。下面的例子:

data list free /id conf.1 conf.2 conf.3 text.1 text.2 text.3. 
begin data 
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 
2 0 1 0 1 0 0 
3 0 0 1 1 0 0 
4 0 0 1 0 0 1 
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 
end data. 
dataset name conf. 
*this is to replicate missing data as specified originally. 
recode conf.1 to text.3 (0 = SYSMIS)(ELSE = COPY). 

compute new.conf = 0. 
compute new.text = 0. 
do repeat conf_list = conf.1 to conf.3 /text_list = text.1 to text.3 /#i = 1 to 3. 
    if conf_list = 1 new.conf = #i. 
    if text_list = 1 new.text = #i. 
end repeat. 

命令list all然後產生如下輸出(注意我是如何初始化的變量值設置爲0,不是真的需要,但怎麼我平時對待事物):

id conf.1 conf.2 conf.3 text.1 text.2 text.3 new.conf new.text 

1.00  1.00  .  .  .  1.00  .  1.00  2.00 
2.00  .  1.00  .  1.00  .  .  2.00  1.00 
3.00  .  .  1.00  1.00  .  .  3.00  1.00 
4.00  .  .  1.00  .  .  1.00  3.00  3.00 
5.00  .  .  .  .  .  .  .00  .00 


這是可能的你想重塑的數據,雖然如果conf和文本lis t變量是互斥的,沒有理由。如果您需要重新整形數據,請參閱指令VARSTOCASES的幫助以將其從整形變爲長整型,並將CASESTOVARS用於從長整型變爲寬整型。