2013-05-31 47 views

我想創建如圖所示的3D表面圖。我正在使用ILNumerics,recent RC from the website。到目前爲止,我可以創建表面(數據僅用於測試)使用此代碼:用第4維標記特殊值的3D表面着色

using System; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using ILNumerics; 
using ILNumerics.Drawing; 
using ILNumerics.Drawing.Plotting; 

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { 
    public partial class Form1 : Form { 
     public Form1() { 

    private void ilPanel1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
     using (ILScope.Enter()) { 
      ILArray<float> R = ILMath.linspace<float>(-4, 4, 100); 
      ILArray<float> y = 1; 
      ILArray<float> x = ILMath.meshgrid(R, R, y); 

      ILArray<float> Z = ILMath.zeros<float>(x.S[0], x.S[1], 3); 
      Z[":;:;1"] = x; Z[":;:;2"] = y; 
      Z[":;:;0"] = 0.4f * x * x - 0.2f * y * y * y; 

      ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new ILPlotCube(twoDMode: false) { 
       new ILSurface(Z, colormap: Colormaps.Cool) { 
        Colors = 1.4f * x * x * x + 0.13f * y * y, 
        Childs = { new ILColorbar() } 

surface graph without marked values







<Single> [2,5] 
    [0]: 0,00000 0,00000 1,00000 1,00000 1,00000 <- position: 0, color: RGBA 
    [1]: 1,00000 1,00000 0,00000 1,00000 1,00000 <- position: 1 



<Single> [5,5] 
    [0]: 0,00000 0,00000 1,00000 1,00000 1,00000 
    [1]: 1,00000 1,00000 0,00000 1,00000 1,00000 
    [2]: 0,49150 0,49150 0,50850 1,00000 1,00000 
    [3]: 0,49702 0,49702 0,50298 1,00000 1,00000 
    [4]: 0,49426 1,00000 0,00000 0,00000 1,00000 


private void ilPanel1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { 

    // create some X/Y meshgrid data 
    ILArray<float> y = 1, R = ILMath.linspace<float>(-4, 4, 100); 
    ILArray<float> x = ILMath.meshgrid(R, ILMath.linspace<float>(-4, 4, 100), y); 

    // precreate the surface data array 
    ILArray<float> Z = ILMath.zeros<float>(x.S[0], x.S[1], 3); 
    // surface expects Z, X and Y coords (in that order) 
    Z[":;:;2"] = y; Z[":;:;1"] = x; 
    Z[":;:;0"] = 0.4f * x * x - 0.2f * y * y * y; 

    // our color data are based on another function 
    ILArray<float> cdata = 1.4f * x * x * x + 0.13f * y * y; 

    // we need cdatas limits for creating a new colormap 
    float min, max; cdata.GetLimits(out min, out max); 

    // get default 'Cool' colormap 
    var colormap = new ILColormap(Colormaps.Cool); 
    // get colormap keys as array: [position,R,G,B,A] 
    ILArray<float> colorkeys = colormap.Data; 
    // helper function to map true values to 0..1 range 
    Func<float, float> map = a => { return (a - min)/(max - min); }; 

    // the value to mark and +/- tolerance width (to make it a visible strip at least) 
    float markValue = 0, tolerance = 0.5f; 
    // sample the colormap at the marked edges 
    Vector4 key1 = colormap.Map(markValue - tolerance, new Tuple<float, float>(min, max)); 
    Vector4 key2 = colormap.Map(markValue + tolerance, new Tuple<float, float>(min, max)); 
    // create new keypoints at the edges of marked area 
    colorkeys[ILMath.end + 1, ":"] = ILMath.array(map(markValue - tolerance), key1.X, key1.Y, key1.Z, 1f); 
    colorkeys[ILMath.end + 1, ":"] = ILMath.array(map(markValue + tolerance), key2.X, key2.Y, key2.Z, 1f); 
    // create new keypoint for the marked area itself; color red 
    colorkeys[ILMath.end + 1, ":"] = ILMath.array(map(markValue), 1f, 0f, 0f, 1f); // red 
    // make a new colormap out of it 
    colormap = new ILColormap(colorkeys); 
    // create & add a plot cube 
    ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new ILPlotCube(twoDMode: false) { 
     // add surface plot, give custom colormap & colormap data ... 
     new ILSurface(Z, colormap: colormap, C: cdata) { 
      // add colorbar 
      Childs = { new ILColorbar() } 

這會產生這樣的輸出: enter image description here


偉大的東西!但不知怎的,它對我來說看起來不同。顏色不像你的照片那樣流暢。看來你正在使用單色進行渲染。這是不同的渲染/框架之間輸出的正常變化嗎? – user492238


不需要。無論使用OpenGL,GDI還是SVG,輸出在所有平臺上*非常相似。你可能遇到了一個錯誤。這是一個鏈接到最新的RC:http://ilnumerics.net/release/EUJJRWPO225PlHDjW09/ILNumerics_v3.0_RCh.zip –


適合我。我想知道,如果在個人色彩模式下也無法完成這項工作?我的意思是如果我給每個網格點個別顏色? –