2011-06-01 35 views


select * from 


     -- Sub query A - same as sub query B 
      select bc.service_type, bc.cid, min(bc.last_modified_date) as last_modified1 from 

       select * from table_a bc2 
       where bc2.state != 7 
       AND bc2.cid in 

        select cid from table_a TA, table_b TB 
        where TB.name not like '% IS' and TA.state != 7 
        AND TA.service_type = 1 
        AND TA.username is not null 
        and TA.bctid = TB.bctid 
      ) bc 
      group by service_type, cid 
     ) result1, 


     // Sub query B - same as sub query A 
      select bc.service_type, bc.cid, min(bc.last_modified_date) as last_modified2 from 

       select * from table_a bc2 
       where bc2.state != 7 
       AND bc2.cid in 

        -- select affected records 
        select cid from table_a TA, table_b TB 
        where TB.name not like '% IS' and TA.state != 7 
        AND TA.service_type = 1 
        AND TA.username is not null 
        and TA.bctid = TB.bctid 
      ) bc 
      group by service_type, cid 
     ) result2 

where result1.service_type = 1 
and result2.service_type = 2 
and result1.cid = result2.cid 
and result1.last_modified1 < result2.last_modified2 






with bar as (
select * from foo where ... 
select bar.* from bar join bar barian on ... 

完美的感謝,我不知道那一個! – Ellis 2011-06-01 14:21:13


@Ellis:這些稱爲Common Table Expressions或簡稱CTE。 – 2011-06-01 19:35:01





要完成此圖:「WITH」查詢(也稱爲「公用表表達式」)實際上不是Oracle特定的。它是在SQL標準中定義的,幾乎可用於所有主要的DBMS – 2011-06-01 14:20:27


這是一次性查詢,因此在這種情況下要避免創建視圖。 – Ellis 2011-06-01 14:24:17


@a_horse_with_no_name:幾乎所有......但不是SQLite這是一個廣泛使用的數據庫管理系統雖然(雖然不是基於客戶端服務器的) – Benoit 2011-06-01 14:28:56



select * from 
     select bc2.cid, min(bc2.last_modified_date) as last_modified1 from table_a bc2 
     where bc2.state != 7 
     AND bc2.cid in 
      select cid from table_a TA, table_b TB 
      where TB.name not like '% IS' and TA.state != 7 
      AND TA.service_type = 1 
      AND TA.username is not null 
      and TA.bctid = TB.bctid 
     and bc2.service_type = 1 
     group by cid 
    ) result1, 
     select bc2.cid, min(bc2.last_modified_date) as last_modified1 from table_a bc2 
     where bc2.state != 7 
     AND bc2.cid in 
      select cid from table_a TA, table_b TB 
      where TB.name not like '% IS' and TA.state != 7 
      AND TA.service_type = 1 
      AND TA.username is not null 
      and TA.bctid = TB.bctid 
     and bc2.service_type = 2 
     group by cid 
    ) result2 
    where result1.cid = result2.cid 
    and result1.last_modified1 < result2.last_modified2 

我想你可以推升謂詞「裏result1.service_type = 1 和RESULT2 .service_type = 2「。之後,你可以做Denis建議的事情。
