- Create a program that reads and prints this txt document
- Introduces the Program and the name of the script
Uses a function to solve a problem, make the function more complex
- User gives distance (x) and time (t)
- Program calculates velocity and acceleration
Creates a new txt document and writtes the results in it
- Prints the results of the problem directly from the new document.
from sys import argv
script, textf = argv; sampledoc = open(textf)
def velocity (x, t):
vel = (float(x))/(float(t))
return float(vel)
def acceleration (v, t):
accel = (float(v))/(float(t))
return float(accel)
print "Hello my name is TAR or as my creator called me %s" % script; print sampledoc.read(); sampledoc.close()
print "Results will be printed on a new text document, thanks for your preference"
x = float(raw_input("Please introduce the Distance")); t = float(raw_input("Please introduce the time:... "))
vel = velocity(x, t)
accel = acceleration (velocity, t)
results = 'ResultsP.txt'
new_file = open(results, 'w')
new_file.write(str(vel)); new_file.write(str(accel))
new_file.open(results, 'r')
print new_file.read()
File "ex21Study.py", line 20, in <module>
accel = acceleration (velocity, t)
File "ex21Study.py", line 10, in acceleration
accel = (float(v))/(float(t))
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number
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風格提示:不要在Python中使用';'。它使你的代碼很難閱讀,並且很難調整/維護。唯一可以接受的是交互式翻譯中的快速片段。 – iCodez