2016-01-19 14 views


  • 的開始主要
  • 週期付款金額(本息)
  • Nr個十年攤銷計劃的。







' compute the Annual Interest Rate of a french amortization schedule (a series of equal payments at regular intervals) given: 
' > the Starting Principal 
' > the Periodic Payment Amount (Principal And Interests) 
' > the Yearly Nr Of payments 
' > the Total Nr Of payments 
' returns the interest truncated to 2 decimals (for 7,525% returns 0,0752) 
' returns Null if the interest rate is not computable 
' examples: 
' > the Starting Principal = 10000 
' > the Periodic Payment Amount (Principal And Interests) = 1423.78 
' > the Yearly Nr Of payments = 1 
' > the Total Nr Of payments = 10 
' >>> returns 0,07 (i.e. 7%) 
' uses the functions: 
' > ComputePeriodicPaymentAmountWInterestConstPaymConstRateLoan 

Public Function ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan(StartingPrincipal, PeriodicPaymentAmountPrincipalAndInterests, NrOfYearlyPayments, NrOfTotalPayments) 

Dim IMin, IMax, AComputed, LoopLevel, LoopCount, LoopIIncrement, LoopICurrent, LoopFloorI, LoopFloorA, DebugLoopCounter 

    IMin = (0.00001)/100 
    IMax = (99.99999)/100 

    ' Compute the Annuity (the Periodic Payment Amount) with the minimum rate 
    AComputed = ComputePeriodicPaymentAmountWInterestConstPaymConstRateLoan(IMin, NrOfYearlyPayments, NrOfTotalPayments, StartingPrincipal) 

    ' if the given "Periodic Payment Amount" is equal to the computed Annuity returns the interest rate used for the computation 
    If PeriodicPaymentAmountPrincipalAndInterests = AComputed Then 
     ' returns IMin 
     ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan = IMin 
     ' exit from the function 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    ' Returns Error Value (Null) if the given "Periodic Payment Amount" is less than the computed Annuity 
    If PeriodicPaymentAmountPrincipalAndInterests < AComputed Then 
     ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan = Null 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    ' Compute the Annuity (the Periodic Payment Amount) with the maximum rate 
    AComputed = ComputePeriodicPaymentAmountWInterestConstPaymConstRateLoan(IMax, NrOfYearlyPayments, NrOfTotalPayments, StartingPrincipal) 

    ' if the given "Periodic Payment Amount" is equal to the computed Annuity returns the interest rate used for the computation 
    If PeriodicPaymentAmountPrincipalAndInterests = AComputed Then 
     ' returns IMax 
     ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan = IMax 
     ' exit from the function 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    ' Returns Error Value (Null) if the given "Periodic Payment Amount" is greater than the computed Annuity 
    If PeriodicPaymentAmountPrincipalAndInterests > AComputed Then 
     ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan = Null 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    ' loop 
    ' loop steps: 
    ' 1> from IMin, increments of 0,05 
    ' 2> from the floor rate computed in the previous step, increments of 0,02 
    ' 3> from the floor rate computed in the previous step, increments of 0,005 
    ' 4> from the floor rate computed in the previous step, increments of 0,0005 
    ' 5> from the floor rate computed in the previous step, increments of 0,00005 
    ' set the counter to the first level 
    LoopLevel = 1 

    ' reset the loop counter to count loop cycles needed to find the rate (deactivate this in production) 
    DebugLoopCounter = 0 

    ' loop to find the rate 

     ' test the loop level 
     Select Case LoopLevel 
      ' Level 1> from IMin, increments of 0,05 
      Case 1 

       ' set loop parameters 
       LoopIIncrement = 0.05 
       LoopICurrent = IMin 

      ' Level 2> from the floor rate computed in the previous step, increments of 0,02 
      Case 2 

       ' set loop parameters 
       LoopIIncrement = 0.02 
       LoopICurrent = LoopFloorI 

      ' Level 3> from the floor rate computed in the previous step, increments of 0,005 
      Case 3 

       ' set loop parameters 
       LoopIIncrement = 0.005 
       LoopICurrent = LoopFloorI 

      ' Level 4> from the floor rate computed in the previous step, increments of 0,0005 
      Case 4 

       ' set loop parameters 
       LoopIIncrement = 0.0005 
       LoopICurrent = LoopFloorI 

      ' Level 5> from the floor rate computed in the previous step, increments of 0,00005 
      Case 5 

       ' set loop parameters 
       LoopIIncrement = 0.00005 
       LoopICurrent = LoopFloorI 

      ' exit from the loop and return the last rate 
      Case 6 

       ' returns LoopICurrent truncated to 2 decimals 
       ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan = Fix(LoopICurrent * 10000)/10000 
       ' exit from the function 
       Exit Function 

     End Select 

     ' loop until the computed Annuity is not greater than the given "Periodic Payment Amount" 

      ' increments the debug counter 
      DebugLoopCounter = DebugLoopCounter + 1 

      ' increments the current interest rate 
      LoopICurrent = LoopICurrent + LoopIIncrement 

      ' compute the Annuity with the current rate 
      AComputed = ComputePeriodicPaymentAmountWInterestConstPaymConstRateLoan(LoopICurrent, NrOfYearlyPayments, NrOfTotalPayments, StartingPrincipal) 

      ' if the given "Periodic Payment Amount" is equal to the computed Annuity returns the interest rate used for the computation 
      If PeriodicPaymentAmountPrincipalAndInterests = AComputed Then 
       ' returns LoopICurrent 
       ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan = LoopICurrent 
       ' exit from the function 
       Exit Function 
      End If 

      ' if the computed Annuity is grater than the given "Periodic Payment Amount" exit loop 
      If AComputed > PeriodicPaymentAmountPrincipalAndInterests Then 

       ' exit loop 
       Exit Do 

      ' if the computed Annuity is less than the given "Periodic Payment Amount" save Floor rate and exit loop 

       ' save Floor rate 
       LoopFloorA = AComputed 
       LoopFloorI = LoopICurrent 

      End If 

     ' END - loop until the computed Annuity is not greater than the given "Periodic Payment Amount" 

     ' increments the loop level counter 
     LoopLevel = LoopLevel + 1 

    ' END - loop to find the rate 

End Function 

' compute the Periodic Payment Amount (Principal And Interests)(la rata periodica) of a french amortization schedule (a series of equal payments at regular intervals) given: 
' > the Annual Interest Rate 
' > the Yearly Nr Of payments 
' > the Total Nr Of payments 
' > the Starting Principal 
' returns the Periodic Payment Amount, made of Principal And Interests 
' examples: 
' > the Annual Interest Rate = 0.07 (7%) 
' > the Nr Of payments = 120 
' > the Starting Principal = 10000 
' >>> returns 1423,77502727365 
' used by: 
' > ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan 

Public Function ComputePeriodicPaymentAmountWInterestConstPaymConstRateLoan(AnnualInterestRate, NrOfYearlyPayments, NrOfTotalPayments, StartingPrincipal) 
' Starting principal 10.000, Annual interest rate 0.07 (7%), 120 total payments, 1 payments for year, Periodic Payment Amount 1.423,78 
Dim i, nt, ny, p, A 

    i = AnnualInterestRate 
    nt = NrOfTotalPayments 
    ny = NrOfYearlyPayments 
    p = StartingPrincipal 

    ' calcola la rata iniziale (la formula funziona con qualunque durata e periodicità) 
    A = p * (i/ny)/(1 - (1/(1 + (i/ny))^nt)) 

    ComputePeriodicPaymentAmountWInterestConstPaymConstRateLoan = A 

End Function 

Sub test() 
Dim Result 

    'Result = ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan(10000, 1423.78, 1, 10) ' result 7% 
    Result = ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan(10000, 116.1, 12, 120)  ' result 7% 
    'Result = ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan(10000, 9700, 1, 10) ' result 96,89% 
    'Result = ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan(10000, 900, 1, 10) ' error, annuity less than the minimum allowed 
    'Result = ComputeIRateConstPaymLoan(10000, 100000000, 1, 10) ' error, annuity greater than the maximum allowed 
    'Result = ComputePeriodicPaymentAmountWInterestConstPaymConstRateLoan(0.07, 1, 10, 10000) ' result 1423,77502727365 
    'Result = ComputePeriodicPaymentAmountWInterestConstPaymConstRateLoan(0.07, 12, 120, 10000) ' result 116,108479218624 

    If IsNull(Result) Then 
     MsgBox "Errore" 
     Debug.Print Result 
     Debug.Print Result * 1000 
    End If 

End Sub