2013-05-17 41 views



polygon   在我的劇本,我有問題,在同一時間來觀察的情況下2和7的情況下。多邊形是一個包含5個對象(點)的數組。 A和B是紅線的點。在這裏你可以找到我的jsFiddle。  

// check if point is in polygon 
var intersectLinePolygon = function(A, B, poly){ 
    var result = false; 
    for (var i = 0; i < poly.length; i++){ 
    var C = { 'x':poly[i].x, 'y':poly[i].y }; 
    var D = {}; 
    // if it's not the last point, take the next 
    if (i != poly.length-1){ D.x = poly[i+1].x; D.y = poly[i+1].y; } 
    // if it's the last point, take the first 
    else { D.x = poly[0].x; D.y = poly[0].y; } 
    if (intersectLineLine(A, B, C, D)){ result = true; } 
    return result; 

// check if there is an intersection between two lines 
var intersectLineLine = function(A, B, C, D){ 
    if (
    (B.x == C.x && B.y == C.y) || 
    (B.x == D.x && B.y == D.y) || 
    (A.x == C.x && A.y == C.y) || 
    (A.x == D.x && A.y == D.y) 
){ return false; } 
    else { return (ccw(A,C,D) != ccw(B,C,D) && ccw(A,B,C) != ccw(A,B,D)); } 

// helper function for intersectLineLine 
var ccw = function(A, B, C){ return ((C.y-A.y)*(B.x-A.x) > (B.y-A.y)*(C.x-A.x)); }; 

總之,你需要一個算法來測試,如果段相交的非凸多邊形? – leonbloy
