你可以看到這些信件中詳細man git diff-files
A: addition of a file
D: deletion of a file
U: file is unmerged (you must complete the merge before it can be committed)
其他字母爲 「What does 「T
」 mean in 「git status
C: copy of a file into a new one
D: deletion of a file
M: modification of the contents or mode of a file
R: renaming of a file
T: change in the type of the file
X: "unknown" change type (most probably a bug, please report it)
關於 「Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files
」 錯誤消息,它符合上市在輸出中看到的「U」(未合併文件)。
請參閱「Why does git say 「Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files」?」
git pull
- 1. 「git pull remotename -u remotebranchname」是做什麼的?
- 2. -u是否需要推送Git標籤?
- 3. 'git push -u origin master'中'-u'的含義是什麼?
- 4. $ .get(u,d,c,「JSON」)vs $ .getJSON(u,d,c)
- 5. shell_exec和git pull
- 6. XSD模式中的「[A-Z] {4} \ d {2} - \ d {4}」的含義
- 7. 瞭解git pull和git fetch
- 8. git fetch和git pull混淆
- 9. 我的輸入u,d和r的箭頭列表和標籤向量
- 10. DOS-CSV導入(A,U,O,A,U,O)
- 11. Git force pull remote from
- 12. 當使用git pull -a origin開發時,-a標誌是什麼意思?
- 13. U和V的含義如getU()
- 14. 「git pull origin」和「git pull remote」有什麼區別?
- 15. git pull和git pull之間的區別--rebase
- 16. 布爾邏輯簡單化,爲什麼A E U + A E U + A E U = E(A + U)
- 17. Git Hook for git pull
- 18. Git Pull Aborting
- 19. updateInstead for git fetch -u
- 20. jQuery的含<a>標籤
- 21. git pull後得到錯誤
- 22. 使用REST API的Git pull和Git clone
- 23. 「git pull」和「git checkout -b」安全操作?
- 24. git push和git pull有什麼區別?
- 25. 的getElementById和A標籤
- 26. git merge,push,pull confusion
- 27. MATLAB git Pull
- 28. git windows post pull
- 29. git pull VS git fetch git rebase
- 30. git pull errors