這是非常有用的我,我以下列方式已經習慣了在Active Directory中添加用戶:
:: This file is used to automatically add list of user to activedirectory
:: First ask for username,pwd,dc details and run in loop
:: dsadd user cn=jai,cn=users,dc=mandrac,dc=com -pwd `1q`1q`1q`1q
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /a "x = 1"
set /p lent="Enter how many Users you want to create : "
set /p Uname="Enter the user name which will be rotated with number ex:ram then ram1 ..etc : "
set /p DcName="Enter the DC name ex:mandrac : "
set /p Paswd="Enter the password you want to give to all the users : "
if %x% leq %lent% (
dsadd user cn=%Uname%%x%,cn=users,dc=%DcName%,dc=com -pwd %Paswd%
echo User %Uname%%x% with DC %DcName% is created
set /a "x = x + 1"
goto :while1
那麼你的問題是什麼?這批是否工作,或者是你的問題,它是壞的? – schnaader 2009-11-24 07:43:45