2016-07-29 117 views





4)我有12個指標,我需要按以下方式計算數據:每個指標的美國總數 - 總和(KMF)


Sub beforeRunningCode() 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = False 
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 
    Application.EnableEvents = False 
    ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False 
End Sub 
Sub returnToOriginal() 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = screenUpdateState 
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = statusBarState 
    Application.Calculation = calcState 
    Application.EnableEvents = eventsState 
    ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = displayPageBreaksState 
End Sub 
Function LastRowFunc(Sheet) As Long 
    LastRowFunc = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(Sheet).Range("A2", Worksheets(Sheet).Range("A2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count 
End Function 
Function LastColFunc(Sheet) As Long 
    With ActiveSheet 
     LastColFunc = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
    End With 
End Function 
Sub AOCalculate() 
    Call beforeRunningCode 'Optimize Excel 
    Dim LastRow As Long 
    Dim LastCol As Long 
    Dim Period As String 
    Dim Sheet As String 
    Dim Arr(1 To 16) 
    Dim Count As Integer 
    Sheet = "Energy_LS_Bottler" 
    Period = "2016 WAVE 1 - 3 W/E 05/07" 
    LastRow = LastRowFunc(Sheet) 'Calculate last row for which data exists 
    LastCol = LastColFunc(Sheet) 'Calculate last column for which data exists 
    For Each Location In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Locations").Range("D7:D28").Value 
     For Each Market In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Markets").Range("A5:A92").Value 
      Count = Count + 1 
      Arr(1) = Market 
      Arr(2) = "AO" 
      Arr(3) = Location 
      Arr(4) = Period 
      With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet) 'Filtering for KMF 
       .AutoFilterMode = False 
       .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).AutoFilter 
       .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).AutoFilter field:=17, Criteria1:="=KMF" 
       .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:=Market 
       .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=Location 
      End With 
      For k = 5 To 16 
        Arr(k) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range(Cells(1, k), Cells(LastRow, k)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)) 
      Next k 
      With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet) ' filtering for Total US 
       .AutoFilterMode = False 
       .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).AutoFilter 
       .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).AutoFilter field:=17, Criteria1:="=Total US" 
       .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:=Market 
       .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).AutoFilter field:=3, Criteria1:=Location 
      End With 
      For k = 5 To 16 
       Arr(k) = -Arr(k) + Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range(Cells(1, k), Cells(LastRow, k)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)) 
      Next k 
      For j = 1 To 16 
       ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Cells(LastRow + Count, j).Value = Arr(j) 
      Next j 
      Erase Arr 
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).AutoFilterMode = False 
    Call returnToOriginal 

End Sub 



你能張貼刪節樣本數據(也許〜100行)到公共文件共享? – Jeeped


停止使用vba中的.autofilter等visual/excel方法。你應該遵循的速度方法是1)將你需要的所有東西從excel單元複製到VBA數組中。 2)在不調用excel的情況下在VBA中進行所有計算。 3)將數組中的所有結果複製到單元格中。 – RBarryYoung




Sub AOCalculate() 
    Call beforeRunningCode 'Optimize Excel 
    Dim LastRow As Long 
    Dim LastCol As Long 
    Dim Period As String 
    Dim Sheet As String 
    Dim Arr() '1 To 2000, 1 To 16) 
    Dim Count As Integer 
    Sheet = "Energy_LS_Bottler" 
    Period = "2016 WAVE 1 - 3 W/E 05/07" 
    LastRow = LastRowFunc(Sheet) 'Calculate last row for which data exists 
    LastCol = LastColFunc(Sheet) 'Calculate last column for which data exists 

    'copy all of the relevant cells to local arrays for speed 
    Dim Locations(), Markets(), data() 
    Markets = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Markets").Range("A5:A92").Value 
    Locations = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Locations").Range("D7:D28").Value 
    '(pretty sure the following line needs to localize the Cells() to .Cells()) 
    data = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value '**' 

    ReDim Arr(1 To UBound(Markets, 1) * UBound(Locations, 1), 16) 

    'make an index of pointers into our accumulation array 
    Dim counts As New Collection 
    Dim i As Long, l As Long, m As Long 
    For l = 1 To UBound(Locations, 1) 
     Location = Locations(l, 1)  '**' 
     For m = 1 To UBound(Markets, 1) 
      Market = Markets(m, 1)  '**' 
      i = i + 1 
      counts.Add i, CStr(Location) & "~" & CStr(Market) 
      'counts.Add NewAccumArray(Location, Market, Period), CStr(Location) & "~" & CStr(Market) 
      Arr(i, 1) = Market 
      Arr(i, 2) = "AO" 
      Arr(i, 3) = Location 
      Arr(i, 4) = Period 

    ' go through each row and add it to the appropiate count in the array 
    Dim r As Long 
    Dim key As String, idx As Long 
    For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1) 

     key = CStr(data(r, 3)) & "~" & CStr(data(r, 1)) 
     If data(r, 17) = "KMF" Then 
      idx = counts(key) 
      For k = 5 To 16 
        Arr(idx, k) = Arr(idx, k) - data(r, k) 
      Next k 
      If data(r, 17) = "Total US" Then 
      idx = counts(key) 
      For k = 5 To 16 
        Arr(idx, k) = Arr(idx, k) + data(r, k) 
      Next k 
      End If 
     End If 

    Next r 

    ' output the results 
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range(Cells(LastRow + 1, 1), Cells(LastRow + Count, 16)).Value = Arr 

    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).AutoFilterMode = False 
    Call returnToOriginal 
End Sub 

接聽查詢 「我幹了什麼意思呢?」

'(pretty sure the following line needs to localize the Cells() to .Cells()) 
    data = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value '**' 

這裏使用Cells(..)基本上是不可靠的和破壞的。這是因爲Cells(..)實際上是ActiveSheet.Cells(..)的快捷方式,而活動*屬性本質上很慢並且不可靠,因爲它們可以在代碼運行時更改。更糟糕的是,這個代碼是,假設ActiveSheet = Energy_LS_Blotter這是遠遠不確定的。


data = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range(_ 
      ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Cells(1, 1), _ 
      ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Cells(LastRow, LastCol) _ 


With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet) 
    data = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(LastRow, LastCol)).Value 
End With 

謝謝你的幫助。我目前正在嘗試運行代碼並有幾個問題。我不確定你的意思是「行需要將Cells()本地化爲.Cells())」。當我嘗試爲這一行運行你的代碼時,我得到一個類型不匹配,但是如果我向它添加一個.Value(),它運行良好。此外,出於某種原因,我無法訪問位置(l)。這總是讓我的下標超出範圍,但與每個循環一起工作。我在這裏錯過了什麼嗎? –


@HarshVardhanBansal是的,有幾個錯誤在那裏。該行確實需要'.Value'屬性,位置應該作爲'Locations(l,1)'(與市場相同)訪問。我會在代碼中更正這些。 – RBarryYoung


@HarshVardhanBansal我已經做了修改並用「**」標記了改變的行。 – RBarryYoung