這是通過創建一個將視圖轉換爲圖像url的函數的方法。 view
const view = {
rotUp : 0,
rotLeftRigh : 0,
speedX : 0.1, // converts from pixels to deg. can reverse with neg val
speedY : 0.1, // converts from pixels to deg
// returns the url for the image to fit view
function createImageURL(view){
var rotate = view.rotLeftRight;
var rotateUp = view.rotUp;
const rSteps = 24; // number of rotate images
const rStepStringWidth = 3; // width of rotate image index
const upStep = 5; // deg step of rotate up
const maxUp = 90; // max up angle
const minUp = 0; // min up angle
const rotateUpToken = "#UP#"; // token to replace in URL for rotate up
const rotateToken = "#ROT#"; // token to replace in URL for rotate
// URL has token (above two lines) that will be replaced by this function
const url = "http://www.ajax-zoom.com/pic/zoomthumb/N/i/Nike_Air_#UP#_#ROT#_720x480.jpg";
// make rotate fit 0-360 range
rotate = ((rotate % 360) + 360) % 360);
rotate /= 360; // normalize
rotate *= rSteps; // adjust for number of rotation images.
rotate = Math.floor(rotate); // round off value
rotate += 1; // adjust for start index
rotate = "" + rotate; // convert to string
// pad with leading zeros
while(rotate.length < rStepStringWidth) {rotate = "0" + rotate }
// set min max of rotate up;
rotateUp = rotateUp < upMin ? upMin : rotateUp > upMax ? upMax : rotateUp;
view.rotUp = rotateUp; // need to set the view or the movement will
// get stuck at top or bottom
// move rotate up to the nearest valid value
rotateUp = Math.round(rotateUp/upStep) * upStep;
// set min max of rotate again as the rounding may bring it outside
// the min max range;
rotateUp = rotateUp < upMin ? upMin : rotateUp > upMax ? upMax : rotateUp;
url = url.replace(rotateUpToken,rotateUP);
url = url.replace(rotateToken,rotate);
return url;
function update(){
// if there is movement
if(mouse.dx !== 0 || mouse.dy !== 0){
view.rotUp += mouse.dy * view.speedY;
view.rotLeftRight += mouse.dx * view.speedX;
mouse.dx = mouse.dy = 0;
// get the URL
const url = createImageURL(view);
// use that to load or find the image and then display
// it if loaded.
const URLPart = "http://www.ajax-zoom.com/pic/zoomthumb/N/i/Nike_Air_"
const allImages = {
I_90_001 : (()=>{const i=new Image; i.src=URLPart+"_90_001_720x480.jpg"; return i;})(),
I_90_002 : (()=>{const i=new Image; i.src=URLPart+"_90_002_720x480.jpg"; return i;})(),
I_90_003 : (()=>{const i=new Image; i.src=URLPart+"_90_003_720x480.jpg"; return i;})(),
... and so on Or better yet automate it.
const url = "I_#UP#_#ROT#";
const url = "http://www.ajax-zoom.com/pic/zoomthumb/N/i/Nike_Air_#UP#_#ROT#_720x480.jpg";
const currentImage = allImages[createImageURL(view)];
if(currentImage.complete){ // if loaded then
ctx.drawImage(currentImage,0,0); // draw it
作爲對問題的評論,您的回答會更好。 – Blindman67
不,已經爲每個位置或方向添加了300張圖像,可顯示50到70張圖片。 –
@ Blindman67我對堆棧溢出非常陌生,我無權評論 –