2012-07-30 61 views

我想寫一個函數,將2d-ndarray映射到2d-ndarray。輸入數組的行可以獨立處理,輸入行和輸出行之間應該有1對1的對應關係。對於輸入的每一行,應計算該行給定順序的多項式展開式(參見文檔字符串舉例)。目前的實施工作;但是它需要在「powerMatrix」中的行和行的重複上​​進行顯式循環)。是否可以通過一次性調用numpy.power來獲得相同的結果?順便說一句:結果行中條目的順序對我來說並不重要。2d numpy.power多項式展開

import numpy 
def polynomialFeatures(x, order): 
    """ Generate polynomial features of given order for data x. 

    For each row of ndarray x, the polynomial expansions are computed, i.e 
    for row [x1, x2] and order 2, the following row of the result matrix is 
    computed: [1, x1, x1**2, x2, x1*x2, x1**2*x2, x2**2, x1*x2**2, x1**2*x2**2] 

    x : array-like 
     2-D array; for each of its rows, the polynomial features are created 

    order : int 
     The order of the polynomial features 

    out : ndarray 
     2-D array of shape (x.shape[0], (order+1)**x.shape[1]) containing the 
     polynomial features computed for the rows of the array x 

    >>> polynomialFeatures([[1, 2, 3], [-1, -2, -3]], 2) 
    array([[ 1 3 9 2 6 18 4 12 36 1 3 9 2 6 18 4 12 
      36 1 3 9 2 6 18 4 12 36] 
      [ 1 -3 9 -2 6 -18 4 -12 36 -1 3 -9 2 -6 18 -4 12 
      -36 1 -3 9 -2 6 -18 4 -12 36]]) 
    x = numpy.asarray(x) 
    # TODO: Avoid duplication of rows 
    powerMatrix = numpy.array([range(order+1)] * x.shape[1]).T 
    # TODO: Avoid explicit loop, and use numpy's broadcasting 
    F = [] 
    for i in range(x.shape[0]): 
     X = numpy.power(x[i], powerMatrix).T 
     F.append(numpy.multiply.reduce(cartesian(X), axis=1)) 

    return numpy.array(F) 

print numpy.all(polynomialFeatures([[1, 2, 3], [-1, -2, -3]], 2) == 
       numpy.array([[1, 3, 9, 2, 6, 18, 4, 12, 36, 1, 
           3, 9, 2, 6, 18, 4, 12, 36, 1, 3, 
           9, 2, 6, 18, 4, 12, 36], 
          [1, -3, 9, -2, 6, -18, 4, -12, 36, -1, 
           3, -9, 2, -6, 18, -4, 12, -36, 1, -3, 
           9, -2, 6, -18, 4, -12, 36]])) 

感謝, 揚

編輯:缺少的功能笛卡爾在這裏定義:Using numpy to build an array of all combinations of two arrays





import numpy as np 
def polynomial_features(x, order): 
    x = np.asarray(x).T[np.newaxis] 
    n = x.shape[1] 
    power_matrix = np.tile(np.arange(order + 1), (n, 1)).T[..., np.newaxis] 
    X = np.power(x, power_matrix) 
    I = np.indices((order + 1,) * n).reshape((n, (order + 1) ** n)).T 
    F = np.product(np.diagonal(X[I], 0, 1, 2), axis=2) 
    return F.T 

+1。 [刪除了我的一個愚蠢的評論 - 我已經通過'[1,2,3]'到你的函數而不是'[[1,2,3]]',這當然給出同樣愚蠢的結果。] – DSM 2012-07-30 20:02:54


謝謝很多,這樣做的工作:-) – frisbee 2012-07-31 09:14:11


這是一個非常優雅的解決方案!如果你不介意的話,我想在我正在處理的一個小項目中使用它:https://github.com/dreamwalkerrr/mledu。 (如果可以,將這個算法歸功於你鏈接到這個答案?)。另外,你能否讓我知道排除第0位權力的最佳方式是什麼? – dreamwalker 2013-11-21 15:40:17