我試圖運行與VS2010的Windows 7旗艦版CPU Intel酷睿i3 OpenCV的代碼,但它顯示了以下錯誤:如何在VS2010 Windows 7中安裝tbb_dedug.dll?
The program can't start because tbb_dubug.dll is missing from your computer
我下載了英特爾TBB 4.0,我複製了文件夾tbb40_233oss/bin/intel64/vc10
TestHist\Debug\tbb_debug.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support.
如何在VS2010的Windows 7安裝tbb_dedug.dll?
不要試圖在32位版本的程序中使用64位版本的DLL。下載32位版本。 –