2015-02-11 29 views

我想在asp中編寫一個「if」語句來以正確的格式獲取我需要在高圖表中提供的數據。ASP IF語句獲取數據

問題1:你們能讓我知道我的if語句有什麼問題嗎? 問題2:如果我想要添加另一個數據集以在條件0的另一個圖表中進行填充,那麼我如何在asp中引用它?我在哪裏放置另一個sql語句?

condition = Split(Request.Form("condition"),"~") 
    'condition = Split("field1~field2~field3~('field4')~('')~('Field5')~'01/18/2015' and '02/02/2015'~field6", "~") 

    '0 is the chart type 
    '1 is chart frequency 
    '2 company 
    '3 is place 
    '4 is shop 
    '5 is caused 
    '6 is date range' 
    '7is top5 type' 

'' Response.write condition(3) 

    chartinfo = condition(2) 
    dateString = "" 

    if condition(0)<>"Top 5" then 
     where = "[Type]='" + condition(1) +"'" 

     if condition(1)<> "Monthly" then 
      where = where + " and convert(datetime,date,101) between " + condition(6) 
     end if 
     if condition(3) <>"('')" then 
      where = where + " and place in " + condition(3) 
      chartinfo = chartinfo + ";" + condition(3) 
     end if 
     if condition(4) <>"('')" then 
      where = where + " and Shop in " + condition(4) 
      chartinfo = chartinfo + ";" + condition(4) 
     end if 
     if condition(5) <>"('')" then 
      where = where + " and [Caused Group] in " + condition(5) 
      chartinfo = chartinfo + ";" + condition(5) 
     end if 

     condition(0) = "Top 5" then 
    end if 

    where = replace(where,"'","''") 

    sql = "[Data] '" + where + "', '''" + dateString +"''','''"+ chartinfo +"'''" 

1.在東西'​​else'地方怪異。可能是'elseif condition(0)=「Top 5」then「或者保留'else'並且註釋''''condition(0)=」Top 5「then line。你是什​​麼意思分開'where'?適當的縮進應該有所幫助。 – JosefZ 2015-02-11 09:22:11


xcuse - 如此髒的代碼 – DimaSUN 2015-02-11 21:17:09


where = "[Type]='" + condition(1) +"'" 
where = " where [Type] = '" + condition(1) +"'" 


    condition(0) = "Top 5" then 

' condition(0) = "Top 5" then 
    where = "" 

我認爲這個答案可能會更好一點,如果你給你正在使用的代碼的上下文。你是否試圖建議替代目前的線? – Matt 2015-02-12 02:23:39