2017-03-25 49 views


firstCol = [] 
temp = [] 
amount = 0 

table = [[36, 36, 78, 36, 38, 41], 
     [65, 6, 23, 65, 49, 89], 
     [18, 70, 77, 18, 59, 0], 
     [53, 46, 80, 66, 10, 13], 
     [33, 93, 26, 57, 37, 23], 
     [83, 37, 39, 27, 53, 100], 
     [1, 11, 46, 96, 98, 93], 
     [54, 33, 90, 88, 83, 58]] 

firstCol = [e1[0] for e1 in table] 

theSame = [False] *10 
temp = [e2[n] for e2 in table] 

的代碼的其餘部分沒有按t work, so I didn't write it here. The idea is to compare values of firstCol`和臨時陣列。臨時值會改變每個循環。如果有更好的主意該怎麼做,我會很高興看到它,在此先感謝=)



如果我的聲譽得分足夠高,我會評論並說:「這看起來有點像家庭作業。 「然後我會試着向您提供一些關於如何向前推進的指導,就像我可能會建議您研究如何遍歷數組一樣。


# Lets create a vector/array for our results and initalize it to zero 
counts=[0] * len(table) 

# step through the two dimensional array... 
for index,row in enumerate(table): 
    # The first column is index 0 of the row 
    firstValue = row[0] 

    # Now just compare the firstValue to the rest of the values in the row 
    for colValue in row[1:]: 
    if colValue == firstValue: 
     counts[index] = counts[index] + 1 

print counts 

哦,我想我沒有清楚,當描述我的問題。我需要比較列與第一列,並檢查有多少列與第一列相同。因此,如果硬編碼的數組應該返回1,因爲只有第4列與第1列相同。 – roleveltv
