@FXML private TextField f00;
@FXML private TextField f01;
@FXML private TextField f10;
@FXML private TextField f11;
TextField txt[][] = new TextField [2][2] ; //the array of textfields
@FXML public void cell() {
txt[0][0] = f00;
txt[0][1] = f01;
txt[1][0] = f10;
txt[1][1] = f11;
for (int i = 0; i<txt.length; i++) {// loop for rows
for (int j =0; j< txt[0].length; j++) { // loop for columns
if(!txt.equals(null)) { // if this array isn't null/ empty!
System.out.println(txt[i][j]); // print what inside this array if the array not null
System.out.println(" ");
我曾試圖彌補與當計數器循環,但它不工作! –
我wan to地問,在相同的代碼中,如果我可以創建或創建一個計數器,可以統計多少文本字段爲空並且有多少文本字段不爲空 –