2013-04-16 70 views


$var='This is a Text for A TEST'; // string, entered by the user 

//Situation 1 
$var=str_ireplace(' a ', ' ', $var); // I want to remove every 'a' as a word in the string and replace it with a single space 
// It will replace both the capitalized and non-capitalized A's in the string, because the function is 'ireplace' 
$var=strtolower($var); // I want all the letters to be non-capitalized 
echo $var; // print out the string 

//Situation 2 
$var=strtolower($var); // First make the letters non-capitalized 
$var=str_replace(' a ', ' ', $var); // Then replace all the A's in the string, which will be already non-capitalized 
echo $var; // print out the string 





爲什麼不試試看看? –


那時候我沒有進行性能測試,但現在我做了。所以測試方法不再是我自己測試方法的問題。 – thexpand


我喜歡「編輯2」!這應該是一個引號'總是詢問'之前檢查 –




function timer($timeOnly = FALSE) 
    static $startTime = null; 

    if($startTime === null) 
     $startTime = array_sum(explode(" ", microtime())); 
     $endTime = array_sum(explode(" ", microtime())); 
     $totalTime = ($endTime - $startTime); 
     $startTime = NULL; 

     return ($timeOnly) ? $totalTime : 'Time taken: '.$totalTime; 

     $var = 'This is a Text for A TEST Aaaa AbbA'; // string, entered by the user 
     //Situation 1 
     for($index = 0; $index < 1000000; $index++) 
      $var = str_ireplace(' a ', ' ', $var); // I want to remove every 'a' as a word in the string and replace it with a single space 
      // It will replace both the capitalized and non-capitalized A's in the string, because the function is 'ireplace' 
      $var = strtolower($var); // I want all the letters to be non-capitalized 
     echo timer(); 

     //Situation 2 
     for($index = 0; $index < 1000000; $index++) 
      $var = strtolower($var); // First make the letters non-capitalized 
      $var = str_replace(' a ', ' ', $var); // Then replace all the A's in the string, which will be already non-capitalized 
     echo timer(); 
Situation 1: 10.70276 seconds for 10^7 iterations 
Situation 2: 9.08388 seconds for 10^7 iterations 

好像第二更快(自然的,因爲它必須搜索較少可能的字母(小寫只))。 (如果字符串大小會被str_ireplace大幅降低,第一個速度將會更快)