dat = df['Volume_norm']
def discretize(data, bins):
split = np.array_split(np.sort(data), bins)
cutoffs = [x[-1] for x in split]
cutoffs = cutoffs[:-1]
discrete = np.digitize(data, cutoffs, right=True)
return discrete, cutoffs
discrete_dat, cutoff = discretize(dat, 50)
df = pd.DataFrame({'X' : TradeN['Volume_norm'], 'Y' : TradeN['dMidP']}) #we build a dataframe from the data
data_cut = pd.cut(dat,Cutoff) #we cut the data following the bins #we cut the data following the bins
grp = df.groupby(by = data_cut) #we group the data by the cut
ret = grp.aggregate(np.mean)
Counter({Interval(0.376, 0.46400000000000002, closed='right'): 2065,
Interval(0.83899999999999997, 0.92800000000000005, closed='right'): 563,
Interval(0.046399999999999997, 0.0557, closed='right'): 63,
Interval(0.56100000000000005, 0.67200000000000004, closed='right'): 121,
Interval(0.46400000000000002, 0.51000000000000001, closed='right'): 145,
Interval(0.11600000000000001, 0.14399999999999999, closed='right'): 105,
Interval(0.013899999999999999, 0.023199999999999998, closed='right'): 144,
Interval(0.14399999999999999, 0.186, closed='right'): 119,
Interval(0.186, 0.23200000000000001, closed='right'): 134,
在一般情況下,您無法同時滿足等間隔的箱的約束以及包含相同數量的數據點的箱。 - 請澄清你的問題,明確說明你想要什麼,或發佈你的數據集。 –
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