2014-06-18 91 views

我正在學習有關Fortran中的BCASTing數據類型,並有一個代碼,它從終端獲取兩個值並在每個進程上顯示它們。對於integer/integer和integer/real類型的組合value1/value2,這適用,但對於整數/實數* 8組合,則失敗。派生的數據類型與MPI


use mpi 
implicit none 

integer :: ierror, pid, ncpu, root = 0 

integer :: counts, newtype, extent 
integer, dimension(2) :: oldtypes, blockcounts, offsets 

type value 
    integer :: value1 = 0 
    real*8 :: value2 
end type 

type (value) input 

call MPI_INIT(ierror) 
call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, pid, ierror) 
call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ncpu, ierror) 

! setup of 1 MPI_INTEGER field: value1 
offsets(1) = 0 
oldtypes(1) = MPI_INTEGER 
blockcounts(1) = 1 

! setup of 1 MPI_REAL8 field: value2 
call MPI_TYPE_EXTENT(MPI_INTEGER, extent, ierror) !determine offset of MPI_INTEGER 
offsets(2) = blockcounts(1)*extent     !offset is 1 MPI_INTEGER extents 
oldtypes(2) = MPI_REAL8 
blockcounts(2) = 1 

! define struct type and commit 
counts = 2 !for MPI_INTEGER + MPI_REAL8 
call MPI_TYPE_STRUCT(counts, blockcounts, offsets, & 
        oldtypes, newtype, ierror) 
call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(newtype, ierror) 

do while (input%value1 >= 0) 
    if (pid == root) then 
     read(*,*) input 
     write(*,*) 'input was: ', input 
    end if 
    call MPI_BCAST(input, 1, newtype, & 
        root, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror) 
    write(*,*), 'process ', pid, 'received: ', input 
end do 

call MPI_TYPE_FREE(newtype, ierror) 
call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror) 

它可以檢查通過改變相應的聲明和OLDTYPE該整數/整數和整數/實做工精細。整數/實數* 8組合失敗,例如,輸入-1 2.0生成:

input was:   -1 2.0000000000000000  
process   0 received:   -1 2.0000000000000000  
process   1 received:   -1 0.0000000000000000  
process   2 received:   -1 0.0000000000000000  
process   3 received:   -1 0.0000000000000000 





你有基本的想法正確的 - 你所創建的結構,但你假定雙精度值立即被存儲後的整數值,並且通常是不正確的。 Hristo的回答說,你的鏈接在C中給出了很好的答案。


在很多情況下,您可以哄騙編譯器放鬆這種行爲 - 在fortran中,您還可以使用sequence關鍵字來要求連續存儲數據。無論哪種方式,從性能的角度來看(這就是爲什麼您使用Fortran和MPI,一個假設),這幾乎從來都不是正確的做法,但它可以用於與其他外部強加的字節到字節的兼容性數據類型或格式。


integer(kind=MPI_Address_kind) :: startloc, endloc  
integer :: counts, newtype 
integer, dimension(2) :: oldtypes, blockcounts, offsets 

type value 
    integer :: value1 = 0 
    double precision :: value2 
end type 

type (value) :: input 


! setup of 1 MPI_INTEGER field: value1 
call MPI_Get_address(input, startloc, ierror) 
oldtypes(1) = MPI_INTEGER 
blockcounts(1) = 1 
call MPI_Get_address(input%value1, endloc, ierror) 
offsets(1) = endloc - startloc 

blockcounts(2) = 1 
call MPI_Get_address(input%value2, endloc, ierror) 
offsets(2) = endloc - startloc 

if (pid == 0) then 
    print *,'offsets are: ', offsets 

需要注意的是,如果你有這樣的派生類型的數組,覆蓋填充的一個項目的最後一個元素之間的情況下,在下一個的開始,你也想要明確地測量它,並且用MPI_Type_create_resized來設置類型的整體大小 - 該類型的一個成員的開始和下一個的開始之間的偏移量。


+1很好的答案和例子。 – casey


+1謝謝澄清。我已經在玩MPI_GET_ADDRESS,但沒有得到它的工作。你的例子非常漂亮! – nluigi