2017-01-03 34 views


'flatMap' produces '[SegmentOfResult.Iterator.Element]', not the expected contextual result type '(pitchClass: Int, frequency: Double)'

我不解爲什麼.flatMap返回Double但不是tuple.This linkflatMap(_:)對於arrays有意義,但我看不到與tuples有關的一個連接,它揭示了這個問題。





// test pitches: rational fractions and decimal numbers 
    let tuning = ["1/1", "200.0", "5/4", "500.0", "600.0", "700.0", "1000.0", "2/1"] 



import UIKit 

class Tuner { 

     var tuning     = [String]() 
     let tonic: Double   = 261.626 // frequency of middle C 
     var index     = -1 
     let centsPerOctave: Double = 1200.0 // mandated by Scala tuning file format 
     let formalOctave: Double = 2.0  // Double for stretched-octave tunings 

init(tuning: [String]) { 
     self.tuning     = tuning 

     var notes: (pitchClass: Int, frequency: Double) 
     notes = tuning.flatMap(scaleFrequencies) 

    // print(frequency) 


func pitchClass(pitchClass: Int, _ frequency: Double) -> Int { 
    return pitchClass 

func frequency(pitchClass: Int, _ frequency: Double) -> Double { 
    return frequency 

func scaleFrequencies(s: String?) -> (Int, Double) { 

    index     += 1 
    var frequency: Double = 0.0   
    frequency    = processNumerics(numericString: numericString) 

    return (index, frequency) 

什麼是'tuning'?什麼是「scaleFrequencies」?你爲什麼期望'tuning.flatMap(scaleFrequencies)'產生一個可以分配給'notes'的元組? – jtbandes


您是否想要像'scaleFrequencies(tuning)'中那樣將'tuning'傳遞給您的函數? – jtbandes


'tuning'的每個元素依次傳遞給'scaleFrequencies.'從那裏傳遞給另一個函數'processNumerics',在這裏函數展開(使用guard和nil合併,即不強制展開) - 計算frequency和頻率返回 – Greg



功能目前工作正常,返回Double並且已經給出了變量,我需要,即frequency.最好不要去改變它。我將創建一個新類以添加更多功能(即將頻率映射到MIDI鍵盤的按鍵)。 謝謝羅布和jtbandes的輸入。


這是更明智的解決這個無增寬問題空間。我發現我的解決方案,一旦我質疑需要返回一個參數的功能,並詢問如何使用只有可用的參數從函數內部呈現數據。該解決方案能夠滿足所確定的accepted answer to another post相關的問題以及其他幾個職位推薦解開可選值,而不會導致運行時錯誤(hereherehere

值使用可選的鏈接展開並零合併而不是強制解包。根據these rules有效的數字被轉換爲頻率並映射到MIDI鍵盤。標有‘x’(如these rules指定)的無效調諧值和音符串將生成0.0 Hz的頻率。



Octave map 

    0 Optional("x") 
    0 : 0.0 
    1 Optional("35/32") 
    1 : 286.1534375 
    2 Optional("x") 
    2 : 0.0 
    3 Optional("x") 
    3 : 0.0 
    4 Optional("5/4") 
    4 : 327.0325 
    5 Optional("21/16") 
    5 : 343.384125 
    6 Optional("x") 
    6 : 0.0 
    7 Optional("3/2") 
    7 : 392.439 
    8 Optional("x") 
    8 : 0.0 
    9 Optional("x") 
    9 : 0.0 
    10 Optional("7/4") 
    10 : 457.8455 
    11 Optional("15/8") 
    11 : 490.54875 


MIDI map 

    Octave 0 
    0 0 0.0 
    1 1 8.942294921875 
    2 2 0.0 
    3 3 0.0 
    4 4 10.219765625 
    5 5 10.73075390625 
    6 6 0.0 
    7 7 12.26371875 
    8 8 0.0 
    9 9 0.0 
    10 10 14.307671875 
    11 11 15.3296484375 

    Octave 1 
    12 0 0.0 
    13 1 17.88458984375 
    14 2 0.0 
    15 3 0.0 
    16 4 20.43953125 
    17 5 21.4615078125 
    18 6 0.0 
    19 7 24.5274375 
    20 8 0.0 
    21 9 0.0 
    22 10 28.61534375 
    23 11 30.659296875 

    Octave 2 
    24 0 0.0 
    25 1 35.7691796875 
    26 2 0.0 


    Octave 9 
    108 0 0.0 
    109 1 4578.455 
    110 2 0.0 
    111 3 0.0 
    112 4 5232.52 
    113 5 5494.146 
    114 6 0.0 
    115 7 6279.024 
    116 8 0.0 
    117 9 0.0 
    118 10 7325.528 
    119 11 7848.78 

    Octave 10 
    120 0 0.0 
    121 1 9156.91 
    122 2 0.0 
    123 3 0.0 
    124 4 10465.04 
    125 5 10988.292 
    126 6 0.0 

音樂的開發應用可能會發現這很有用,因爲它顯示瞭如何創建一個重新調校MIDI映射。該解決方案讓我解開包含分數和小數的數字字符串,這些字符串指定音樂音符中音符的調節,這超出了標準音樂鍵盤的範圍。任何訪問this site的人都不會失去它的重要性。



import UIKit 

class Tuner   { 

    var tuning      = [String]() // .scl 
    var pitchClassFrequency   = Double()  // .scl 
    let centsPerOctave: Double  = 1200.0  // .scl mandated by Scala tuning file format 

    let formalOctave: Double  = 2.0   // .kbm/.scl Double for stretched-octave tunings 
    var octaveMap     = [Double]() // .kbm/.scl 
    var midiMap      = [Double]() // .kbm 

    let sizeOfMap     = 12   // .kbm 
    let firstMIDIKey    = 0    // .kbm 
    let lastMIDIKey     = 127   // .kbm 

    let referenceMIDIKey   = 60   // .kbm 
    let referenceFrequency: Double = 261.626  // .kbm frequency of middle C 

    var indexMIDIKeys    = Int() 
    var indexOctaveKeys    = Int() 
    var currentKeyOctave   = Int() 
    var index: Int     = 0 

init(tuning: [String]) { 
    self.tuning     = tuning 

// SCL file format - create frequency map of notes for one octave 
    print("Octave map") 
    let _       = tuning.flatMap(scaleToFrequencies) 

// KBM file format - create frequency map of MIDI keys 0-127 
    print("MIDI map") 
    let _       = createMIDIMap() 


func createMIDIMap()           { 

    indexOctaveKeys    = firstMIDIKey // set indexOctaveKeys to pitchClass 0 
    currentKeyOctave   = firstMIDIKey // set currentOctave to octave 0 

    for indexMIDIKeys in firstMIDIKey...lastMIDIKey { 
     let indexOctaveKeys  =  indexMIDIKeys % sizeOfMap 

     currentKeyOctave  = Int((indexMIDIKeys)/sizeOfMap) 
     let frequency   = octaveMap[indexOctaveKeys] * 2**Double(currentKeyOctave) 

     //  midiMap[i]    = octaveMap[indexMIDIKeys] * 2**Double(currentKeyOctave) 
     if indexOctaveKeys == 0 { 
      print("Octave \(currentKeyOctave)") 
     print(indexMIDIKeys, indexOctaveKeys, frequency) 

func scaleToFrequencies(s: String?)        { 

    var frequency: Double  = 0.0 

    // first process non-numerics. 
    let numericString   = zapAllButNumbersSlashDotAndX(s: s) 

    print(index, numericString as Any)  // eavesdrop on String? 

    // then process numerics. 
    frequency     = (processNumericsAndMap(numericString: numericString))/Double(2)**Double(referenceMIDIKey/sizeOfMap) 
    print(index,":",frequency * 2**Double(referenceMIDIKey/sizeOfMap)) 
    index += 1 

func processNumericsAndMap(numericString: String?) -> Double { 
    guard let slashToken = ((numericString?.contains("/")) ?? nil), 
     let dotToken  = ((numericString?.contains(".")) ?? nil), 
     let xToken   = ((numericString?.contains("x")) ?? nil), 
     slashToken   == false, 
     dotToken   == true, 
     xToken    == false 
     else { 
      guard let dotToken = ((numericString?.contains(".")) ?? nil), 
       let xToken  = ((numericString?.contains("x")) ?? nil), 
       dotToken  == false, 
       xToken   == false 
       else { 
        guard let xToken = ((numericString?.contains("x")) ?? nil), 
         xToken   == false 
         else { 
          // then it must be mapping. 
          let frequency = 0.0 
          //      print("[x] \(frequency) Hz") 
          return frequency 
        // then process integer. 
        let frequency = processInteger(s: numericString) 
        return frequency 
      // then process fractional. 
      let frequency   = processFractional(s: numericString) 
      return frequency 
    // process decimal. 
    let frequency     = processDecimal(s: numericString) 
    return frequency 

func processFractional(s: String?) -> Double     { 
    let parts = s?.components(separatedBy: "/") 
    guard parts?.count  == 2, 
     let numerator  = Double((parts?[0])?.digits ?? "failNumerator"), 
     let dividend  = Double((parts?[1])?.digits ?? "failDenominator"), 
     dividend   != 0 
     else { 
      let frequency = 0.0 
      print("invalid ratio: frequency now being set to \(frequency) Hz") 
      return frequency 
    let frequency   = referenceFrequency * (numerator/dividend) 
    return frequency 

func processDecimal(s: String?) -> Double      { 

    let parts = s?.components(separatedBy: ".") 
    guard parts?.count  == 2, 
     let intervalValue = Double(s ?? "failInterval"), 
     let _    = Double((parts?[0])?.digits ?? "failDecimal") 
     else { 
      let frequency = 0.0 
      print("invalid cents value: frequency now being forced to \(frequency) Hz ") 
      return frequency 
    let power    = intervalValue/centsPerOctave      // value with explicit remainder 
    let frequency   = referenceFrequency * (formalOctave**power) 
    return frequency 

func processInteger(s: String?) -> Double      { 
    let frequency   = 0.0 
    print("not cents, not ratio : frequency now being set to \(frequency) Hz ") 
    return frequency 

func zapAllButNumbersSlashDotAndX(s: String?) -> String?  { 

    var mixedString = s 
    if mixedString != nil { 
     mixedString = mixedString! 
     guard var _ = mixedString?.contains("/"), 
     var _ = mixedString?.contains(".") 
     else { 
      let numberToken = mixedString 
      return numberToken 
      guard let xToken = mixedString?.contains("x"), 
       xToken == false 
       else { 
        let xToken = "x" 
        return xToken 
    let notNumberCharacters = NSCharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted 
    let numericString = s?.trimmingCharacters(in: notNumberCharacters) ?? "orElse" 
    return numericString.stringByRemovingWhitespaces 


extension String { 
var stringByRemovingWhitespaces: String { 
    return components(separatedBy: .whitespaces).joined(separator: "") 

extension String { 

var digits: String { 
    return components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted).joined() 

precedencegroup Exponentiative { 

    associativity: left 
    higherThan: MultiplicationPrecedence 


infix operator ** : Exponentiative 

func ** (num: Double, power: Double) -> Double      { 
return pow(num, power) 

func pitchClass(pitchClass: Int, _ frequency: Double) -> Int  { 
    return pitchClass 

func frequency(pitchClass: Int, _ frequency: Double) -> Double  { 
    return frequency 


import UIKit 

class ViewController: UIViewController { 

// Hexany: 6-note scale of Erv Wilson 

     let tuning = ["x", "35/32", "x", "x", "5/4", "21/16", "x", "3/2", "x", "x", "7/4", "15/8"] 

// Diatonic scale: rational fractions 
//  let tuning = [ "1/1", "9/8", "5/4", "4/3", "3/2", "27/16", "15/8", "2/1"] 

// Mohajira: rational fractions 
// let tuning = [ "21/20", "9/8", "6/5", "49/40", "4/3", "7/5", "3/2", "8/5", "49/30", "9/5", "11/6", "2/1"] 

// Diatonic scale: 12-tET 
// let tuning = [ "0.0", "200.0", "400.0", "500", "700.0", "900.0", "1100.0", "1200.0"] 

override func viewDidLoad() { 

    _ = Tuner(tuning: tuning) 


原來的答案被拒絕了,可能是因爲它不完整。希望我的編輯能解決這個問題。 – Greg
